What is Carl’s Jr. most popular burger? If you are like the majority of people, it is many people’s favorite burger on the menu.
The Carl’s Jr. most popular burger might seem obvious to some fast food fanatics. While many people like to Feed Their Happy, one burger choice outsells the rest. Have you guessed the top selling Carl’s Jr. burger yet?
Here are some impressive statistics about the Carl’s Jr. most popular burger. First, this burger is sold everyone 1.13 seconds. In a day, there are 86,400 seconds. So approximately 86,000 of these burgers could be eaten on a daily basis.
According to Carl’s Jr., 27.5 million of these burgers are sold annually. While that number is staggering, it is hard to visualize.
To put that number into perspective, it would be “ height of Mt. Everest 200 times“ when stacked one on top of each other. Or, if placed side by side, it “would span the length of California from top to bottom 2.5 times.”
Why fill your mind with worry, when you can fIll it with thoughts of crispy bacon on top of a juicy, charbroiled burger with melty cheese instead? pic.twitter.com/YY8sCvJmlv
— Carl’s Jr. (@CarlsJr) May 6, 2020
Have you guessed the Carl’s Jr. most popular burger yet?
According to Carl’s Jr., it’s most popular burger is the Western Bacon Cheeseburger. It’s seems that a classic never goes out of style.
If you are unfamiliar with the Western Bacon Cheeseburger, it is a charbroiled beef patty, which is topped with bacon, cheddar cheese, onion rings and bbq sauce. While the components of the burger are similar to other menu items, one aspect sets itself apart, the onion rings and their placement.
Usually onions or onions rings go on top of a hamburger. In layering concepts, the burger is closest to the bottom bun. By putting the onion rings on the bottom, the burger is sandwiched between all the yummy parts. The hope is that every bite brings the perfect combination of all the ingredients.
Also, having onion rings on a burger boosts the flavor. Raw onions can be overpowering and grilled onions can sometimes fall off a burger. The onions rings add both flavor and texture.
While the Western Bacon Cheeseburger is Carl’s Jr. most popular burger, it isn’t the only burger on the menu. From more of a classic burger to even a plant based option, there are all types of burgers that can satisfy.
If you are hungry, why not order a Western Bacon Cheeseburger today. With one of these burgers being sold every 1.13 seconds, you won’t be alone.
What is your favorite Carl’s Jr. menu item?