Josh Gad and Cheerios shared a million reasons for good to go round during Reunited Apart.
Sometimes a moment of joy is a smile that can go farther than anyone expects. During Reunited Apart, Josh Gad and Cheerios made a huge announcement that will spread joy far beyond the Lord of the Rings reunion. Now, No Kid Hungry has over a million reasons for good to go round, $1.3 million that is.
In the recent months, many people have been looking for reasons to find a moment of happy, joy and just a spark of goodness in the world. Sometimes, it can be just those little things, tiny moments that make life just a little more bearable. More importantly, one person’s willingness to make good go round can be the inspiration to continue that momentum into something even bigger.
Recently, Josh Gad has brought smiles to many people through his YouTube series, Reunited Apart. From bringing together the cast of “Back to the Future,” “Splash” and even the “Goonies,” everyone has watched these entertaining videos. Those simple moments of joy reach far beyond just those videos because each episode is tied to a charitable organization.
Today, Reunited Apart aired its Lord of the Rings episode. During the episode, Gad and Cheerios made a huge announcement. To encourage the idea that Good Goes Round, Cheerios and General Mills will be donating $1.3 million to No Kid Hungry.
Prior to this announcement being revealed on the show, I had the opportunity to speak with Gad about Reunited Apart, this partnership with Cheerios and his motivation to bring joy to people’s lives in time of need.

A simple act can spark good that goes round.
While everyone loves watching Gad’s YouTube channel, he mentioned that this program developed from his own desire to do something that makes him feel good. Previously, he said that every week he would read books to his kids’ school class. Without those school classes, his nanny encouraged him to read books online.
From there, Gad wanted to create a larger way of bringing people together that could create even more positive moments. His hope was that his own personal happiness that he found in reuniting these iconic movie casts would bring joy far beyond those minutes of video.
According to Gad, these videos are a “deep dive into nostalgia.” As he “watches these movies with his own kids,” he was inspired to create Reunited Apart. In turn, these videos were meant not only to bring “pure joy” to those who watch, but also encourage others to “pay it forward.”
Gad said that reuniting these casts had a purpose “to raise awareness and money for causes.” For him it is more than just going online to ask people to give, these videos “give something to people,” more specifically “give them a sense of joy, give them a sense of hope.”
In turn, Gad believes that those moments can encourage others to spread a little joy in their lives. From making a charitable donation to little acts of kindness, there are many ways to bring that joy to people. For Gad, this program has given him a “sense of purpose.” Although he does not know how long the series will continue, he is sharing positive moments in his own way.
While Gad might not be a doctor on the frontlines, he is using his voice and his platform to be that moment of good goes round. In the latest installment of Reunited Apart, Cheerios partnered with him to make a huge difference.
Children have the right to good food.
As seen in the video, the $1.3 million donation to No Kid Hungry will ensure millions of meals to help combat childhood food insecurity. From schools being closed to summer vacation starting, ensuring that children who need food can receive it is more important than ever.
Gad understands that his own children might not grasp the idea of food insecurity. He mentioned that “every kid should have the right to good food.” With school closures, that right has been stripped away. Through this donation and the message being shared via his program, more people can become aware and maybe even make a difference.
Through this donation, Cheerios will be helping to give children and families the meals that they need. In addition to providing meals, No Kid Hungry helps to educate families on healthy eating. While there is no excuse for childhood hunger, there are ways to help make a difference in this precarious situation.
Although Cheerios made a huge donation today, everyone can do their part. Gad mentioned that some people may be able to make a monetary donation via the broadcast, but there are additional ways to make sure that good goes round.
Gad said, that “he stands with everyone right now.” While many people are not able to give monetarily, there are other ways to share joy. All he asks if these shows “bring you joy, share them.” That simple act of keeping that joy moving forward has power. In a way, sharing joy can be the inspiration do more and continue the good that goes round.
How can you make good go round?
As people enjoy the Lord of the Rings Reunited Apart episode with Josh Gad, why not take a moment with your own friends and family. While everyone can laugh at the funny moments and fawn over the cast, let that video do more than just entertain.
Since Cheerios has been such an iconic part of many families’ lives, why not share a story with your kids about the first time that they were able to feed themselves Cheerios. It might not be that golden ring of folklore, but it is a precious moment that can spark a moment of joy around your table.
Truth be told, everyone can be part of the good that goes round. Maybe it is time to spread some of that CheeRing today.
How have you brought a little moment of good goes round in your community? Can you bring a little joy to someone’s life today?