Coffee Mate wants your opinion on the next holiday coffee creamer flavor.
Coffee Mate has the holidays on its mind. Even though it is summertime, the holidays will be here before you know it. Which begs the question – what should your holiday coffee taste like – Chocolate Chip Cookie or Hot Cocoa?
Seasonal coffee creamers are always a popular choice for many coffee drinkers. In some ways, that classic cup of coffee is instantly transformed into an iconic, flavorful treat.
Think about that huge celebration when all the Pumpkin Spice flavors hit store shelves. Even though it might be August, there is something comforting, familiar and craveable with that special sip.
During the holiday season, people want certain flavors. Sometimes a particular aroma or taste brings back a memory. In a way, that flavor makes people just feel excited for the season.
This year, Coffee Mate is asking its fans to vote on the next holiday coffee creamer flavor. The two flavors that are up for a vote are chocolate chip cookie and hot cocoa. Which one has your support?
Thinking about these two flavors, the hot cocoa is a classic choice. Who hasn’t wanted a glass of hot cocoa on a cold winter day? This flavor would bring it to a cup of coffee.
While this flavor might be a little similar to a mocha, it should have a sweeter, more chocolatey flavor. In a way, this coffee creamer could be the more “adult” version to enjoy hot cocoa.
The chocolate chip cookie flavor could be the more interesting choice. There are many ways that this coffee creamer could be flavored. Beyond the chocolate chips, there could be brown sugar, nutty notes or a variety of other options. It would be curious to see how this flavor would work with coffee.
Cookies and coffee work well together. Given that many people bake over the holidays, this coffee creamer could be a great choice. Who doesn’t enjoy a plate of cookies and a warm cup of coffee while curled up on the couch?
If you would like to give your voice your coffee creamer opinion, simply vote on Coffee Mate’s Twitter poll. You have until June 29 to cast your vote.
Which Coffee Mate creamer is your preferred flavor? What other holiday coffee cream flavors would you like to try?