Grab a MTN DEW or trade with friends with DEWnited States this summer.
With 50 different MTN Dew bottles available to purchase, DEWnited States is a reason to collect and drink the popular beverage all summer long. Plus, it could earn DEW fans a chance to earn some big money.
Back again this summer, the DEWnited States campaign is here. Each of the 50 states are represented with unique labels on the bottle. Whether you pick the state that you reside, the state where you were born or just a label that you like, there are many reasons to grab another bottle.
Last year, 2.5 million labels were collected. Whether people collected a specific label or tried to collect all the states, people were drawn to this special event.
Even though many people are always drawn to MTN Dew as their favorite beverage, this special promotion is a reason to grab another couple of bottles. Sometimes people just need a reason grab another DEW.
This year, MTN Dew is looking to bring fans together through the DEWnited States campaign. Instead of just collecting, there is a special website where people can exchange labels. The trading post is open through July 11. The digital space could be your chance to get that coveted Wisconsin label when you live in Florida.
Of course, there are people who are trying to collect all 50 bottles to win the cash prize. But, for other people, it is because they are huge Dew fans and they appreciate the unique designs inspired by each state.
No matter the reason why this campaign gets people excited, it shows that MTN Dew is always looking for ways to connect with its fans. Whether it is a special label, its support of eSports or another campaign, fans are always wanting another reason to grab the Dew.
Have you collected any of the DEWnited States labels? Which one is your favorite label?