Popeyes ponders what a difference a year can make

Photo: Popeye's chicken sandwich.. Image Courtesy Postmates, Popeyes
Photo: Popeye's chicken sandwich.. Image Courtesy Postmates, Popeyes

Popeyes asks its fans a simple question, 2020 Y’all good?

Popeyes understands that many changes can happen in a year. Did you know that it has been a year since that infamous Chicken Sandwich hit the Louisiana Kitchen menu? If you haven’t had one of those chicken sandwiches in the past 365 days, you are probably one of the few.

Still, a lot of things can happen in a year. Whether some events could be predicted, welcomed or even celebrated, other occurrences come with a large asterisk. Wouldn’t it be nice to just turn a page, skip a month or travel through time like the most excellent Bill and Ted? Until everyone’s epic phone booth is available, Popeyes is offering a tasty treat to make the day seem a little brighter.

As many people have learned in 2020, the simple things matter. It could be having that tub of ice cream in the back of the freezer, maybe it noise canceling headphones, better yet – a linen closet stocked with toilet paper. In this case, the simple question, 2020 Y’all good is a question that we all need right now. More importantly, everyone needs to listen to those answers.

To give everyone a little boost, Popeyes is offering free delivery on August 19. That little gesture is a way to say thank you. And, it is a great excuse to order a chicken sandwich.

While it is hard to believe, it has been one year since the introduction of that infamous chicken sandwich. It was the new menu item that had, and still does have, everyone talking. From celebrities wanting one to long lines out the door, it was a food obsession.

In the past year, Popeyes sold 203 million chicken sandwiches. With one store selling a total of 3.582 sandwiches on November 3, 2019. Wonder if there is some type of world record for chicken sandwich sales.

Even though last year’s chicken sandwich frenzy might seem far away, 2020 will be coming to a close soon enough. Popeyes is even starting the countdown early. Sure, it is four and a half months to 2021, but why not start checking off those calendar days. It is better than counting the extra pounds that you gained during quarantine.

How many Popeyes Chicken Sandwiches have you eaten in the past year?