Andrew Zimmern shares his secrets to making a tasty turkey gravy

Andrew Zimmern Thanksgiving recipes, photo provided by Andrew Zimmern
Andrew Zimmern Thanksgiving recipes, photo provided by Andrew Zimmern

A tasty turkey gravy is easy thanks to Andrew Zimmern and his go-to recipe.

As home cooks think about a Thanksgiving meal, this tasty turkey gravy recipe from Andrew Zimmern will deserve a special place on the Thanksgiving table. Although gravy can be one of those most tricky Thanksgiving food staples to master, Zimmern has a few tricks that will ensure that this gravy recipe gets rave reviews.

For many people, a Thanksgiving meal has a few must-have food options. Besides the turkey, mashed potatoes and even stuffing, many people must have gravy on the table.

While no one wishes for a dry turkey, that gravy can often be the savior to any cooking imperfections. From boosting flavor to mashed potatoes to the food component that ties all the dishes together, many people think that the Thanksgiving meal isn’t complete without turkey gravy.

Still, gravy, including turkey gravy, mystifies people. Everyone has had bad ones, lumps and all. Some people opt for the convenience of a store bought option. But, a homemade gravy can really make a Thanksgiving meal shine.

While many people might have a preferred way of making turkey gravy, Zimmern has a tried and true method. For his recipe, the flavor comes from the seasoning as the turkey roasts. In truth, a lot of the flavor comes from the turkey itself, and all its parts.

For example, in Zimmern’s recipe, the roasting pan is the first layer of flavor. The goodies in the bottom of the pan start the process. By adding turkey or chicken stock to the pan, it helps to pull up all those flavors that developed while the turkey was roasting.

Finally, the turkey gravy heads to the stove and the roux is incorporated. Yes, that roux is a key to any good turkey gravy, especially a lump free kind.

Check out this video.

Since the roasted turkey contributes to the flavor of the gravy, it is important to season the turkey well. While some people have a preferred seasoning, one option is Andrew Zimmern own Badia spice blends.

For example, the French Kiss spice blend would be lovely on a turkey. With notes of citrus and shallots, it adds a touch of brightness to the turkey. Overall, it is a well-rounded spice blend that everyone will enjoy.

This Thanksgiving meal don’t be afraid of making turkey gravy. With some easy-to-follow instructions, you can make a great gravy, just like Andrew Zimmern.

Do you have a great gravy secret to share?