Even if your resolution has faltered, Corona Premier thinks that everyone can get back on track. If you are ready to Earn Your Crown, Corona and Echelon Fitness have the motivation.
While January 1 can bring much resolve, by the end of the month the desire to keep that commitment can have faltered. It can be hard to skip the beer for another mocktail. That piece of chocolate cake looks much more tempting than another bowl of fruit. Although everyone should ditch certain negative words, life balance is an attainable goal.
Through the Corona Premier and Echelon Fitness partnership, the brands look to give people options. Whether it is an energetic workout, a great recipe or just a little break from the norm, this program shows that wellness is a journey. Sometimes that road might be an easy stroll and other times it is a steep hike. In the end, each step of that journey is worth the effort.
You have to hold your head up high to earn your Corona Premier crown.
While everyone’s journey is different, one way to stay motivate is to feel like you are part of a group. The six-week series engages everyone to keep that commitment. Whether it is a happy hour workout or the chance at a special prize, there is always a reason to keep moving.
Since lifestyle changes take time, it is really important to commit to that six weeks. Just like it takes a long time to re-train your palate, it takes time to create a habit. Waking up at 6 a.m. with a smile for a 5 mile run doesn’t happen overnight. It takes lots of little steps to get to that big moment.
If you are looking for a little break from your routine or some motivation to get back on track, consider joining Corona Premier and Echelon Fitness. You don’t have to be royalty to wear a crown, but you do have to earn it.
What is your motivation to keep moving?