Bud Light Summer Stimmy is the action plan people need

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for EA Sports Bowl at Bud Light Super Bowl Music Fest )
(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for EA Sports Bowl at Bud Light Super Bowl Music Fest )

Tired of living the boring life? The Bud Light Summer Stimmy might be the stimulus program that could change the next few months for the better. Instead of checks, balances, and money in the mail, this Bud Light program puts the fun back into the game. And, that stimulus agreement is binding into perpetuity.

Have you noticed that people are over everything right now? Asking someone to even read a lengthy text message might get a stern rebuke. Flipping through another stack of papers might make some people throw their hands up in the air. And, if someone tries to use some legal jargon into a conversation, it might come with an unpleasant retort.

Sure, getting a boost or a stimulus can be a good thing. Sometimes that little nudge of help makes the other heavy topics seem a little less dire. As the definition of stimulus references, the whole idea is to bring some energy, excitement, and positive vibes.

Bud Light understands that everyone needs some levity. But, like many activities these days, there is a little fine print. Although you can phone a friend, the popular beer brand has taken the liberty of asking a knowledge, worldly gentleman to accept the burden of reading that legalese and interpreting all those sub-paragraphs.

What is the Bud Light Summer Stimmy?

Check out this Bud Light video that offers some insight. Luckily, Sam Richardson is here to help.

For anyone who has ever read an entire contract, the document might not be the most entertaining form of reading. From the terms to the hidden clauses, the language might be more dry than white toast. Add to that document government agendas and a stimulus package might be better used as a paper in the bottom of the birdcage.

Luckily, the terms of the Bud Light Summer Stimmy are clear. The beer company is giving people free beer, bringing back live music and wants to take you out to the ballgame. No committee meeting necessary, no filibuster or lengthy debate is required.

Grab a beer, have some fun and enjoy the summer. Who can’t get behind this stimulus package? It might be the most bi-partisan statement of the past 12 months.

If you are ready to support the Bud Light Summer Stimmy, head to www.BudLightSummerStimmy.com and endorse the platform. And, if you are opposed to it, that’s ok, too. This summer, enjoy the moment, put the worries behind at least for however long it takes to drink a cold beer.  Doesn’t everyone deserve some positive vibes?

What do you think this summer will hold? Are you ready for some fun activities?