What’s the most popular grilled food for Memorial Day weekend?

(Photo by Gotham/Getty Images)
(Photo by Gotham/Getty Images)

Ready to light the grill? The most popular grilled food for Memorial Day weekend might not be that traditional hamburger or hot dog. Even though all-American favorites will always have a place on the menu, the reality is that people are stepping beyond the traditional grilled food fare. What are you cooking?

Recently, Google compiled a list of the most popular grilled food for Memorial Day weekend. While each state had a particular food preference, the most interesting aspect of the list is that recipes showed that the grill is cooking up more than just chicken, ribs or other traditional fare.

Grilled recipes like fish, vegetables and fruit topped the list in many states. Even though the heartland preferred those baby back ribs and pork chops, many other states were taking a non-traditional approach to the food for Memorial Day weekend.

Does the most popular grilled food fall into a bigger food trend?

Looking the list, the fish and fruits/vegetables seemed to be the most choices. For fish, top choices included swordfish and halibut. Swordfish makes sense because it can be a hearty fish that has a denser texture that works well on the grill. While it does take some skill to cook, the truth is that swordfish might be easier to cook on a grill than other more delicate fish choices.

Overall, the fish trend shows that people are looking to expand their grilling options. Whether it is lighter fare, more flavors or boredom with the same hamburgers and hot dogs, people are willing to branch out more.

The bigger story is grilled fruits and vegetables. Even though plant-based food seems to be a big topic of conversation, the reality is that grilled vegetables offer a lot of flavors. The original plant-based food can be both a main dish and a supporting star.

Many popular searches include portabella mushrooms. That food can easily be a hamburger substitute. In addition to being a flavorful choice, the portabella mushrooms offer a good source of nutrition. Overall, it is a smart healthy eating option.

The popularity of grilled fruit, specifically grilled pineapple is an interesting option. While some people might just think of dessert with grilled pineapple, it can be more than just that one food choice. Recipes like salsa can get a flavor boost from grilled fruit.

Overall, the most popular grilled food for Memorial Day weekend shows food trends are always changing and there is usually room for more food choices. This summer might be the time to expand the menu. Ready to light the flame?