Special K and La La Anthony are encouraging everyone to run for charity

Special K partners with Lala Anthony, photo provided by Special K. PHOTO by: Michael Simon/startraksphoto.com
Special K partners with Lala Anthony, photo provided by Special K. PHOTO by: Michael Simon/startraksphoto.com

Lace up those sneakers and make a difference one K at a time with Special K and La La Anthony. As part of the partnership between Special K and Black Girls RUN!, everyone can join in a virtual running event to raise funds and awareness for Feeding America. How many Ks can you log for charity?

A well-balanced lifestyle is part healthy eating habits and part overall wellness. For many people, food is fuel and movement keeps them motivated in many aspects of their lives. Whether it is lacing up a pair of sneakers every day, on a weekend or when the calling comes, the truth is that many people find logging those miles has an impact.

With this first-ever Special 5K event, in partnership with Black Girls RUN!, everyone can join in the virtual run to help others. As each “K” (measure of distance) is logged, those steps will turn into donations to Feeding America.

As seen in the past year, food insecurity has risen. With “more than 42 million people projected to experience food insecurity,” everyone needs to do their part. Deciding to take that first step and complete those Ks is just the start.

Why is this Special K program important to La La Anthony?

While she holds many roles, La La Anthony appreciates that encouraging others to get moving is important. When that cause can help others, there are even more reasons to get off the couch and incorporate a healthy lifestyle approach into every day.

Anthony said, “I am constantly inspired by the strong women I surround myself with, and the empowering members of Black Girls RUN! are no exception. I’m so honored to join this team and launch the Special 5K, because with the support of friends and an impactful goal to motivate us, we can do even more good in the world. Let’s reach that goal together – we got this!”

Everyone, whether a new runner, the casual 5K runner or the ultra marathon runner, can join the virtual event. Simply sign up at RunSignUp.com/Special5K. For each 5K completed through June 30, (which can be done multiple times), Kellogg’s will donate 100 meals to Feeding America. The goal is to raise 2.5 million meals through the program.

Sometimes people need motivation to get moving. It might be the support of a friend, a goal of medal at the end of a race or just that refreshing beverage at the finish line. No matter the reason, the reward is even sweeter when all those steps raise funds and awareness for a worthy cause.

Are you ready to take the first step to help battle food insecurity? Join the Special 5K and get moving. That first step could start a new food and wellness journey.