Starburst All Pink Do You Challenge brings 30 days of self-love

Starburst All Pink Do You Challenge , photo provided by Starburst
Starburst All Pink Do You Challenge , photo provided by Starburst

Sometimes a simple, positive word can make any day seem a little brighter. That moment of self-love is more than just a sweet part of the day. While many people have long supported the “you are a Pink Starburst” mantra, it is time to put those words into action. Are you ready for the Starburst All Pink Do You Challenge?

As everyone prepares for the holiday season, advent calendars are starting to appear on store shelves. While some people might want that piece of candy, others long for the daily bottle of wine to sip on at the end of the day.

No matter the “prize” waiting behind the door, that little act of opening a door to reveal something special brings happiness. A little treat can bring the sparkle to even the gloomiest say.

What is the Starburst All Pink Do You Challenge?

Starting on September 28, Starburst will sell STARBURST All Pink #DoYou Challenge calendars online via the brand’s website. Available on a limited basis, these advent calendars feature 30 days of messages, prompts and challenges to encourage everyone to be their best self.

This special 30-day experience is more than just revealing a candy every day. The idea is to promote a positive activity that builds a person’s confidence. While no one is expecting that one token of wisdom can work like light switch, those little seeds can grow into strong, rooted in self-love concepts.

While the 30-day calendar is filled with Pink Starburst, the reality is that it is more than the candy. Still, those little candy squares can unwrap limitless possibilities. Sometimes the best gifts just need a little encouragement to be revealed to the world.

Although not everyone will get one of these special calendars, the reality is that everyone can, and should, join the Starburst All Pink Do You Challenge. The concept will be available online and everyone can participate at their own pace.

As the holiday season approaches, the best gift may not be waiting under the tree. Unwrap the potential that is inside everyone. A little self love, whether that is a pink Starburst or something else, is a gift that never stops giving.