MTN DEW Gingerbread Snap’d earns top billing on Santa’s beverage list

MTN DEW Gingerbread Snap'd, photo provided by Mountain Dew
MTN DEW Gingerbread Snap'd, photo provided by Mountain Dew

The holidays have come early for the DEW Nation with the release of MTN DEW Gingerbread Snap’d. The newest limited edition beverage to hit store shelves is going to make the holidays merry and bright. Since Mountain Dew always brings a little spark to that beverage conversation, this new flavor has lots of people talking, sipping and wondering. Could MTN DEW Gingerbread Snap’d replace the classic pairing of milk and cookies?

Certain flavors are holiday staples. While coffee lovers might crave that peppermint mocha, gingerbread usually makes its appearance as the Christmas trees start to appear. Although that gingerbread house might be more about the visual than the edible, a little taste of those gingerbread men often cannot be resisted.

When done well, gingerbread has that perfect balance of spicy and sweet. The combination of spices, like clove and ginger, bring a sense of comfort that is totally craveable.

How is MTN DEW Gingerbread Snap’d the perfect holiday flavor?

As the new Mountain Dew beverage starts to arrive on store shelves, the anticipation of holiday refreshment is too much to resist. Even though those gingerbread men on the label look cute, this flavor is totally bold refreshment that the DEW Nation has come to expect from the brand.

Combining that DEW citrus with the spicy, sweet notes of gingerbread really works. While there are no smashed cookies in the bottle, it does have a sweet gingerbread flavor. As the carbonation bursts over ice, the promise of holiday goodness is too much to resist. That sugary scent is almost as enticing as cookies baking in the oven.

Even though the beverage has artificial gingerbread flavor, it doesn’t read fake. Yes, it is sweet. Yes, it is not a classic Mountain Dew. Yes, everyone should try it at least once, both with and without some gingerbread cookies.

Whether or not Santa will be replacing that glass of milk with a bottle of MTN DEW Gingerbread Snap’d on Christmas Eve remains to be seen, but the beverage would make a great choice for holiday parties. Since Mountain Dew often transforms its beverages to some creative cocktails, this beverage will spark some fun creations. Just think of it with a little cinnamon forward shots or even a little whiskey.

Although grandma might not want everyone to prefer a Mountain Dew over her infamous cookies, this special holiday beverage is about having a little fun. Sometimes a little holiday frivolity is in order. Instead of smashing a snowball in a friend’s face, why not share this special holiday beverage. And, no holiday red cup is required.

This new offering might not be the Mountain Dew Fruit Cake that everyone talked about a few years ago, but it is a holiday treat that is both naughty and nice.

What is your favorite Mountain Dew flavor? Do you hope that certain limited edition flavors become permanent?