2022 Pizza trends that have people wanting a second slice

(Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images for NYCWFF)
(Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images for NYCWFF)

Can you predict the 2022 pizza trends? As one year ends, future food trends become a tasty discussion. While foodies might not look back a year and discuss whether or not the previous predictions came true, the possibility that a new food, flavor or other exciting treat on the plate is too tempting to resist.

Recently Yelp shared its 2022 pizza trends. While these food predictions might not replace pepperoni as a favorite pizza, it does give people a reason to order another pie. Since pizza can be a food that adapts to many flavor combinations, it can be the option to push people out of their comfort zone as well.

What does Yelp predict for the 2022 pizza trends?

Even though the holiday season is in full force, Yelp is looking ahead to 2022 and thinking about the food that people will be putting on the table. As a source for both locales and travelers to find the tastiest options, they are an authority to know what are some of the best orders around.

Looking back at 2021, Detroit-style pizza was a top choice. Whether it was the crispy, cheesy edges or sauce on top, many people couldn’t get enough of that rectangular shaped, thicker crust pizza.

For 2022, Blonde Pizza will become many people’s obsession. Some people might better know this pizza style as white pizza. The tomato-less slice will have everyone thinking that blonde is a cut above the rest.

Even though tomatoes might be off some sliced, Yelp predicts that the slice might be passe. Pizza cones might be the new hand-held way to enjoy that combination of dough, sauce and cheese.

For people who do not like how the toppings sometimes fall off the slice, this option has the dough shaped like a cone. Then, all the toppings are stuffed inside. It does have a little learning curve to creating the perfect bite for all the toppings.

This “cone” idea has been used in other ways, not just pizza. From state fairs to theme parks, the cone shape could be the way to enjoy a variety of foods and flavors.

Everyone will have to wait to see if these 2022 Pizza trends are the most ordered foods on the table. Until then, everyone will just have to chew on these predictions.