Cheetle Art creates an inspired vision for that orange dust

Cheetos and Rock the Bells hosted hip-hop inspired art exhibit featuring artist Lefty Out There during Art Basel Miami. Photo credit: Kennyatta Collins., photo provided by Cheetos
Cheetos and Rock the Bells hosted hip-hop inspired art exhibit featuring artist Lefty Out There during Art Basel Miami. Photo credit: Kennyatta Collins., photo provided by Cheetos /

Food art has taken over the conversation. From shows like Foodtastic and Candified to the Cheetle Art showcased during Art Basel, it seems that the canvas isn’t limited to just oils and watercolors. While chefs have long turned food into art on the plate, the conversation extends beyond the table. Could there a new form of expression waiting in the bottle of that snack bag?

During Art Basel, the Miami event encourages people to look at the world differently. Even as the digital art space, like NFTs, seem to be forefront in the conversation, the ability of an artist to see the world differently sparks a conversation.

While people’s opinion on art and artistic value will always differ, the reality is that art is meant to be elicit a reaction. Although the hope is for the piece to resonate in a positive way, that visceral retort of “is this really art” is just as important. Learning to agree to disagree and valuing other people’s opinions is a vital lesson to learn.

What Cheetle Art was showcased at Art Basel?

During Art Basel, Cheetos and Rock The Bells hosted “Yacht The Basel: The Art of the Cheetle.” While the name might have sounded erudite, the reality is that this event was a little more downtown than uptown. While the theme featured hip-hop inspired art, the medium was all Cheetle.

James Cuthbert, president of Rock The Bells, said “Creativity and expression have always been central to the hip-hop movement, which is why we are thrilled to team up with Cheetos, a brand that is all about celebrating self-expression in all its forms.”

Over the years, Cheetos has pushed the conversation of showing how food, art and fashion are intertwined. It is more than that errant orange smudge on a shirt. Food is an expression of a person both on and off the table.

As Jessica Spaulding, senior director of marketing, Frito-Lay North America, said, “Over the years, fans have used Cheetos as inspiration for so many different things – from fashion to beauty to culinary and more.”

Although everyone has their own way of describing Lefty Out There’s works (aka Franco Campanella), some of the descriptions included “vibrant and dynamic.” While Cheetle Art might not become a museum staple or be hanging in many people’s homes, this offering seems to blend both old and new in a forward thinking way.

Whether people saw a touch of Keith Herring in the movement and lines or just wanted to possibly get a taste of that art for themselves, the reality is that Cheetle Art had people thinking. Although mom might not appreciate the sentiment that the orange dust smudge on the shirt is artistic expression why you didn’t use a napkin, people can and should start thinking outside of the bag.