For some people, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of the sweetest life. This year, the new Hershey’s Valentine’s Day candy brings a pink hue to the holiday. From Hershey’s to Reese’s, everyone will be loving all the sweetness to give and to receive.
Valentine’s Day celebrates the sweetness of love in the air. Whether it is a person who makes you swoon, a friend that is always supportive or even a gift to yourself, candy always brings smiles. While flowers might bloom for a short time, candy is the gift that keeps on giving.
Many people have classic Hershey’s candies that have become Valentine’s Day staples. From the iconic Hershey’s Kisses to even just a classic Reese’s peanut butter cup, the tried and true favorites seem to capture that long lasting love affair. Like an old friend, they always seem to make any occasion special.
Still, the new Hershey’s Valentine’s Day candy adds a little sparkle to the celebration. With some of the new offerings, it seems that this year’s celebration will be tinted with a pink hue. Is everything coming up rosy in 2022?
What are the new Hershey’s Valentine’s Day candy offerings?
From Hershey’s to Reese’s, there are plenty of new candies that will express all emotions for the day of love. As Nathan Stebbins, Associate Brand Manager of Valentine’s Season said “Love birds and families alike will all have something to choose from!” No matter how people celebrate, there is a treat waiting to be unwrapped.
Hershey’s Cookies ‘N’ Crème Hearts
Cookies ‘n’ crème seems to be having a moment. These heart shaped treats are sweet both inside and out. Covered in pink and purple foils, the candy makes a statement even before it is unwrapped. For anyone who keeps a candy bowl on the table, these treats will be a top choice.
Once unwrapped, the flavor delivers sweetness. The crème showcases the pretty speckled colors. Whether enjoyed on their own or used as a decoration on a chocolate cupcake or cake, this Valentine’s Day candy needs to be the center of the celebration.
The 8.8 oz bag will be available for a limited time. Check with stores for availability.

Reese’s Blossom-top Miniature Cups
Following the seasonal successes of the Reese’s Franken Cups and the Mallow Tops, Valentine’s Day is joining the colorful fun. The Reese’s Blossom-top Miniature Cups have a pink top. While the crème is slightly more sweet than the traditional peanut butter cups, it is the color that will entice the purchase.
Whether it is the love of Reese’s or the pink coloring, these miniatures will be a must have for Valentine’s Day. Plus, since they are a smaller size, no one is sorry for having an extra helping.

Reese’s White Creme Hearts
Continuing the heart theme, the Reese’s White Crème Hearts are the sweet way to express all the love on Valentine’s Day. While the Reese’s Peanut Butter center is the same, the white crème offers a sweeter take. But, the heart shape is perfect to convey the love in the air.
While many people could give a bouquet of hearts, the King Size offering could be the centerpiece of a Valentine’s Day dessert. Why not put the King Size heart on the plate and surround it with some other treats, even the Blossom Top Miniatures. Instead of wearing your heart on your sleeve, why not put your heart on the plate.
Hershey’s Kisses Milk Chocolates BFF Gift Box
Sometimes the longest lasting love is between two friends. The Hershey’s Kisses Milk Chocolates BFF Gift Box will have some people remembering those iconic necklaces that were shared with a friend. With this version, it is a gift to give and a gift to enjoy.
These new Hershey’s Valentine’s Day candy offerings join returning flavors, like the Hershey’s Kisses Meltaway Roses and Reese’s Heart Shaped Peanut Butter cups. The seasonal candies will be arriving in stores soon.
What is your favorite Valentine’s Day gift to receive? Do you prefer a food gift or something else on the love filled holiday?