Pepsi Maple Syrup Cola stacks up a sweet sip

New Pepsi Maple Syrup in conjunction with IHOP, photo provided by Pepsi
New Pepsi Maple Syrup in conjunction with IHOP, photo provided by Pepsi

While some people might have a short stack to start the day, the new Pepsi Maple Syrup Cola could have people putting down the fork and grabbing a can. In collaboration with IHOP, this new sweet beverage might stand up to that short stack. Anyone up to see how Pepsi pairs with a popular breakfast food?

Recently, Pepsi has been exploring how the cola beverage goes with everything. That classic flavor can highlight the spiciest Buffalo Wings, brighten a caramel dessert or just be the perfect refreshment on a hot day. No matter the scenario, Pepsi is waiting to be drunk.

At the same time, the beverage brand isn’t afraid to explore new flavors. From fruit forward options like mango to nostalgic soda shop flavors, the ability for Pepsi to transform itself into numerous varieties keeps the brand exciting. After all, who doesn’t remember that PEEPS Pepsi from last year.

How did Pepsi Maple Syrup come about?

In partnership with the iconic IHOP, Pepsi Maple Syrup is the newest, extremely limited edition beverage to come from the cola giant. While many people can instantly think of that short stack smothered with maple syrup from IHOP, that sweet, classic flavor is making its way to the beverage can. It might not replace that syrup at breakfast but it could be that treat to make an afternoon a little more refreshing.

According to Todd Kaplan, Chief Marketing Officer, Pepsi, this partnership between two iconic brands brings together pancake lovers and Pepsi fans. While he admitted that it isn’t often this type of initiative comes to fruition, it is one that should not be missed. But, that taste of sweet maple syrup and Pepsi cola might be more difficult to find than the perfect syrup to pancake ratio.

As Kaplan stated, “We can’t wait to celebrate those who have an unapologetic love of pancakes by giving the limited-edition cans to 2,000 fans who #ShowUsYourStack online.” What that means is only a few lucky people will be able to taste this special beverage.

In order to quench that thirst, fans “can post a photo or video of their stack(s) of pancakes on Instagram or Twitter tagging #ShowUsYourStack, #PepsiSweepstakes and @IHOP.” The contest ends on March 29, 2022.

Given that fans need to show their stack, it is the perfect time to get creative. Why not show off that epic stack or most creative stack. Just maybe someone can transform some pancakes into a Pepsi logo. The possibilities are many.

Although this beverage offering is quite limited, there is some food inspiration that could be poured outside of this can. Why not create a cola maple syrup for that short stack. Or, why not try a maple cola syrup for a dessert or even a glaze for some pork belly. A little food creativity could can go a long way.

For now, some people will get to try the Pepsi Maple Syrup Cola. Do you think that your pancakes photos stack up to the challenge?