While there are a plethora of sauces and seasonings that highlight the always tasty wings at Buffalo Wild Wings. With the new Doritos Flamin’ Hot Nacho Sauce, many people are running to get a stool at America’s Favorite Sports Bar.
Over the years, Buffalo Wild Wings featured a variety of sauces. While people cheered with Jammin Jalapeno made its triumphant return, the reality is that new flavors add another level of excitement. Even if that favorite flavor calls again and again, a little different taste can make the whole experience even more flavorful.
With the Doritos Flamin’ Hot Nacho Sauce, the flavor captures the idea of Doritos Flamin’ Hot Nacho Wings. Although it is not just rolling some wings in that fiery snack, it is about covering those juicy wings in a taste that is both familiar and new. Saying it is another level might be a slight understatement.
Even if some people prefer the tame to the flame, the collaboration between Doritos and Buffalo Wild Wings celebrates the cross-over between favorite foods. It is more than just a snack on the side of the plate. That food mash-up opens the possibilities of various food combinations.
Previously, Buffalo Wild Wings and PepsiCo products have collaborated. From the previous Doritos inspired wings to the Mountain Dew flavor that is only available at the restaurant, these partnerships are vital for both parties. Not only does it entice guests with a special, only available at the restaurant offer, but it can also encourage others to make a special visit just to get that first taste.
Looking ahead, it will be interesting to see how the partnership grows. While Doritos and Mountain Dew have been part of the conversation, could other PepsiCo brands be highlighted in the future? Could there be a Funions chicken wing in the pipeline?
For now, don’t miss the taste of the Doritos Flamin’ Hot Nacho Sauce at Buffalo Wild Wings. Before your know it, the fiery flavor will be a smoldering memory.