Even though gas prices continue to soar, summer travel is in the cards. As the kids put away the schoolbooks, the family is ready to pack the suitcases and head out for another great adventure. While summer road trip snacking is part of the conversation, there is a question waiting to be answered. What treats are in the bag?
At the recent Sweets and Snacks Expo event, many candy and snack trends were on display. While the “newstalgia” gives a taste of the familiar yet with a modern twist, the food aisle is full of options. Beyond the old being new again, more people are looking for convenience with that flavor.
From new packaging option to convenience, companies need to appreciate that the couch isn’t calling anymore. A great adventure is waiting to be enjoyed and there needs to be plenty of food to fuel that road trip. As seen during Sweets and Snacks Expo, the various portion sizes are just as important as flavor options.
Even though it might put a dent in the wallet, summer travel is on the calendar. After putting off that trip for too long, people are ready to fill the suitcase and escape. While there is a hunger for wanderlust, there is a hunger for summer road trip snacking, too.
According to Sweets and Snacks Expo and National Candy Month statistics, summer road trip snacking falls into several categories. For example, it reports that 83% of people will enjoy chocolate and candy on a road trip. While it does not offer specific examples, there are plenty of both new and classic treats that fit the category. From M&M’s to sour candies to a plethora of other options, just make sure that nothing melts in the sun.
For people heading to the beach, it seems that candy is also part of the sun and sand essentials. Just be cautious of melting. The candy might be best stored in the cooler.
And 76% of campers have some candy in their bag too. After all, s’mores are a night time treat around the campfire.
Do you have some summer road trip snacking opinions? What are your favorite treats to keep in the bag?