For some people, they see their favorite snacks everywhere. It might be that hangry feeling, or it could be an obsession with that tasty food. No matter the reason, those images are more than a mirage. Doritos is asking its fans to see more triangles in the world.
Have you ever looked at a cloud and seen a shape, image, or just something other than a big puffy white glob? Some people have taken a Rorschach Test and discovered some hidden meaning in their personality. What about that Pollock drip painting that seem to swirl the imagination?
Seeing things in a new light can open the mind. It does not necessarily have to be something life changing. It can encourage people to take the blinders off and see the day differently. Those little moments can make a difference.
Doritos just launched a new promotion campaign that encourages people to see the triangles all around. That classic snack is and always will be associated with a triangle. Even that Doritos 3D offering still had that shape. Whether the triangle is acute, obtuse or even slightly broken, it is still present.

As part of this promotion, the brand is launching both a Snapchat AR Lens and weekly TikTok challenges. The promotions turn finding triangles into a challenge. From an image on the wall to a piece of architecture, there are plenty of options. Even famous landmarks have triangles. Once people see it, they cannot unsee it.
While this promotion will get a lot of engagement, a similar idea was once used with Cheetos. A few years back, Cheetos encouraged fans to find images in that snack. From animals to trees to some unique concepts, it encouraged people to have a conversation about the snack. While the taste will always drive people to open another bag, the discussion added to the flavor.
For now, everyone will be seeing triangles and hoping that the image points to a special prize or two. For more information, please see the special Doritos promotional website for details.