While Halloween tricks might be part of the spooky season, one item can be the most frightening sight on All Hallows Eve. That empty candy bowl can make even the happiest kid a little sad. Luckily, Kit Kat has the perfect solution with its new never-ending candy bowl.
During Trick or Treat, many people leave a bowl by the door with a sign that says take one. Although some people should know that “someone” (or maybe Santa) is watching as they empty that prized Hershey candy into their sack, the reality is that some people may not have will power. That overflowing candy bowl is just too tempting.
This year, Kit Kat wants to ensure that there are smiles all around. The only spooky element to the night should be the neighbor’s music and that fog machine. This special candy bowl ensures that no one goes without.
As Alex Herzog, associate brand manager of KIT KAT, said, “We prefer more treats than tricks here on the KIT KAT team, so we decided it’s time this Halloween season to show what’s up our sleeve. No one wants to see that disappointed face at the trick-or-treat bowl, so KIT KAT conjured up a special bowl to have never-ending KIT KAT bars…literally, nothing could be better.”

Unlike those witches’ cauldrons that have a questionable liquid bubbly inside, this Kit Kat bowl is full of what everyone wants, the crispy wafter candy. Through special candy magic, the bowl refills itself. As many people have learned, a red light can bring some sweet treats and this one says that more candy is on the way.
Although many people would love to have this candy bowl as part of their Halloween celebrations, it will debut in place that knows a few things about witches, Salem, Massachusetts. Additional locales might get this magical offering, but everyone will have to follow #KitKatBowl for other sweet spots.
Would you like to have a never-ending candy bowl? What other magical spells could make Halloween even sweeter?