Even though 2022 has not yet come to a close, certain food topics have filled the headlines. From soaring food costs to the various food shortages, the conversation around the table can have a somber tone. Luckily, new ingredients can spark a little excitement. With these Whole Foods 2023 food trends, customers get what they prefer as well as celebrate innovation in the kitchen.
Looking back at the past eight years, the Whole Foods trend list has captured food choices that have become more common place. Beyond plant-based eating, the idea of mushrooms being transformed in many ways, and the importance of fermented ingredients, many more choices have become ingrained in the shopping list. All it took was for a few people to take that first bite.
For the Whole Foods 2023 food trends, the 10 predictions come from people experienced within the industry. As Sonya Gafsi Oblisk said, “We anticipate seeing these trends in the food industry at large, on dinner tables, in lunch boxes and on our store shelves.” Although the entire list is quite diverse, the overreaching theme seems to go back to a broader idea for Whole Foods itself. That “mission to make a true impact” cannot be lost on the shelf.
What are the 10 Whole Foods 2023 food trends?
According to the list, the 10 Whole Food 2023 food trends are:
New Brew: Yaupon
Pulp with Purpose
Produce Meets Pasta
The Great Date
A Poultry Revolution
Help From Kelp
Climate-Conscious Callouts
Retro Remix
Only the Finest for Fido
Avocado Oil Craze
Looking at these ideas, it seems to hit many popular categories. Whether Yaupon will replace cold brew or dates finally become an easy sugar substitute remains to be seen. Still, the list invites a discussion. In some ways, just doing a little research on the products, what they are, and how they taste is a win for the food industry.
It would be interesting to see if there could be some crossover between the categories. Why couldn’t a retro dish be rooted in a climate conscious slant? Or, couldn’t there be a recipe that combines the dates with some of the specialty poultry. Basically, a forward-thinking meal is quite doable.
Whether or not these Whole 2023 food trends take root remains to be seen. In addition, success in the past does not necessarily guarantee the same outcome this year. Shoppers need to put these items to the taste test. If it brings them back for more, than the list could have people saying, winner winner, chicken dinner.