On the debut of the new FOX culinary competition, the Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars premiere might have started with a splash, but the moment set the tone for the competitors. Everyone on this food television show has success, but they are looking to grow, expand, and rise above their competitors in the food space. For those who are willing to take that potential risk, the reward might be waiting once they get their head above water.
The basis of Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars is straightforward. In order to earn $250,000 investment from Gordon Ramsay, the contestants must prove their worth across a series of challenges. Everyone in this competition has success in their own niche. No one is doubting that they do their own business well. It is about digging deeper, understanding their business mind, putting those tools to work, and finding a way to succeed regardless of any obstacles.
At the beginning of any food television competition, the first couple of episodes have hints to discover about the show’s direction. Even though only some of the contestants are highlighted due to limited time, there are some moments that offer valuable insight into the show.
With Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars premiere, the beach food stand challenge was only slightly about the food presented to the guests. In some ways, the bigger lesson might have been a reference to the word heard too often in the food world over the past three years, pivot.
For the first challenge of the season, the three teams took on a food truck type of challenge. This challenge was not just about total food sales, it was about best profits. Given that premise, it was interesting that the teams did not focus more on ingredients versus pricing.
The difference between the second place and third place team was influenced by the food costs. If one team had been more thoughtful on their spending, they might have been safe.
That aspect is vital to Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars competition. It is more than the best tasting dish in the challenge. Every aspect needs to be in harmony to earn a win. Like the candidate who will eventually get the investment, it is about the total picture.

Another important takeaway from this first episode is that the customer is king. From long ticket times to having to refund orders, the customer must leave with a positive experience. Although there might not necessarily be a return trip in this situation, that tone needs to make Gordon Ramsay want to see more. In a food business, the return customer is key to longevity.
Although it was the first challenge, it appears that personalities might come into play during these team challenges. While there is something to be said about having a voice heard, it cannot come at the expense of silencing others on the team. Everyone should embrace their authentic self and confidence due to experience should shine through in the end.
The best leaders are the ones who listen, analyze and apply. No one should sit back, listen and refuse to act. In contrast, acting without taking into account other’s input is not viable either. A good leader is both a person who takes action and who listens. One without the other cannot be successful.
Those aspects come back to the word that seemed to influence the challenge as a whole, pivot. When one person is not cooking sliders correctly, it is time to make a change on the line. When a dish does not have good profit margins, the ingredients should change. There were many examples where the teams had to think on their feet, adapt, and implement. Being stagnant will bring failure.
As Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars continues on this journey, there could be a lesson learned in each episode for aspiring food entrepreneurs. Ramsay did not become one of the world’s most successful and recognized chefs and businessmen overnight. There were plenty of dirty dishes to wash before he stood on the other side of that pass.
Drive, determination, and grit that fueled those dreams are always present in any successful endeavor. One person will walk away with this Ramsay deal. How they use that seal of approval will be the real measure of their business acumen.
New episodes of Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars air on FOX Wednesday nights at 9 p.m. ET and air the next day on Hulu.