Back to school can be stressful for kids and parents. From new experiences to returning to routines, the reality is that annual event has both positives and negatives. To bring a little respite to the chaos, the Capri Sun Kid Noise-Canceling Juice Drink packs are the solution that people want.
While parents wave as the kids head off on the bus, the reality is that moment is not always as picture perfect as it seems. The moment before the bus can include running around, missing lunch boxes, or even a battle over which shoes are appropriate for school. Even if everything seems to fall into place, the truth is that nothing is always easy. Sometimes parents need a little moment, like a mere 50 seconds of quiet.
According to Samantha Mills, Associate Director, Brand Communications, “At Capri Sun, we know that back-to-school season is a hectic time and our goal through launching the Kid Noise-Canceling Juice Drink is to show our appreciation for parents by providing them 50 seconds of calm. When parents buy these new juice packs, they are buying themselves some much needed peace and quiet. Our partnership with Taskrabbit is a strategic effort to give parents what they really need – time to themselves without worry.”

The Capri Sun Kid Noise-Canceling Juice Drink packs are redesigned to give the appearance of noise canceling headphones. While it might not totally block out the calls of “mom” or the whining about the recent homework assignment, the reality is that just a few moments of a “break” can help.
It is believed that it takes approximately 50 seconds to drink that Capri Sun drink. Although that might be a quick sip, sometimes that small moment is just the needed break to recharge.
The special offering is available at The no purchase necessary giveaway comes with two Capri Sun packs and a $100 Taskrabbit credit for the platform.
While this fun promotion has some humor associated with it, the reality is that parents are part of the back to school conversation as much as the kids. There is stress associated with ensuring that the parent has control of the schedule, can cover all the expenses, and balance their regular workload. Adulting isn’t always easy. With 66% of parents feeling burnout, these little moments of levity can make the day seem a little brighter.
Should there be more conversation about parents and back to school? Maybe that idea is something to contemplate while sipping on that Capri Sun.