Skittles Littles show moments of happiness come in all sizes

Skittles Littles, photo provided by MARS
Skittles Littles, photo provided by MARS

Sometimes a little treat can be the sweet moment in the day. With the new Skittles Littles, the tiny candies turn the rainbow into a whole new eating experience.

Many people have a favorite candy. Some people are always drawn to chocolate and others cannot resist a sour pucker. Even though there are crossover moments, some people just prefer one category over another.

With Skittles, that flavor rainbow has captivated people over the years. Whether it is the fruit flavor or the candy’s texture, it is easy to eat a package in a single serving.

Over the years, the candy brand has offered different flavors and even versions. Whether it was daring people to take the Zombie challenge or transforming those fruit flavors into another form, the additions not only had people talking but also enticed them to try the offerings. That taste of the familiar with a little twist was too intriguing to miss.

Skittles Littles
Skittles Littles, photo provided by MARS

With the new Skittles Littles, it is that favorite candy, just shrunk in size. Speaking to the new offering, Ro Cheng, Marketing Director at Mars said, “Expanding our portfolio with SKITTLES Littles allows us to create even more pleasantly perplexing experiences and inspire moments of everyday happiness for fans. We can’t wait for our fans to experience this tiny treat and Taste the Rainbow in a whole new way.”

The size leans into the eating experience. Tiny pieces make this sweet treat a poppable, enjoy by the handful experience. Even though the portion size might not necessarily change, there is a different mindset when enjoying this candy. Whether it is a carefree moment or just a little diversion, there is an extra serving of fun in each container.

The new Skittles Littles will start arriving in select stores soon. A larger, nationwide rollout will happen in 2023. The candy will be sold in an on-the-go resealable tube and a Grab N Go larger pouch.