Everyone knows that a great cup of coffee is far superior to just another cup of joe. At Casey’s, the company wants people to see its new Darn Good Coffee in different way. Welcome to Darn-ell and he will help you become the ultimate coffee connoisseur.
Coffee can be a difficult beverage to understand. From using the correct temperature for brewing to understanding why certain roasts have bitter notes, the reality is that good coffee can be complicated.
At the same time, an early morning start can have people just blinding grabbing whatever liquid to put in the cup. The result might get their eyes to pop open, but the taste could be less than satisfying.
Casey’s wants people to appreciate a better cup of coffee. More importantly, they want people to appreciate that coffee is personal and they are willing to simplify the process to finding that perfect beverage. Say hello to Darn-ell.
Darn-ell is an AI service that serving some coffee recommendations and a few laughs along the way. Both a good roast in humor and taste, this fun promotion gets people thinking about what makes a darn good cup of coffee. A little humor along the way can make anything taste sweeter.
As Tom Brennan, Casey’s Chief Merchandising Officer, shared about the concept, “We are thrilled to introduce ‘Darn-ell’ to our fans and guests, our innovative AI-powered coffee connoisseur, who’s here to help you roast with the best – Casey’s Darn Good coffee. By combining this technology with our passion for exceptional coffee, we’re continuing to redefine what it means to enjoy a cup at Casey’s – one delightful roast at a time.”

When it comes to fun promotions, this concept will get people talking. Even though the world of computer assistance can be tricky, the reality is that people will use it. Finding a bridge to make the concept approachable and fun can take away the other concerns.
Additionally, this concept can get people out of their coffee rut. Sure, that simple medium roast with two sugars and a splash of cream is tasty, but it is far from exciting. Finding a bolder flavor, seasonal variety, or just something different can turn a beverage into an event.
Lastly, the idea of “roasting” with the coffee roasts is concept that all ages can get behind. While some people love their colorful lattes or cannot wait to shake another beverage, the reality is that people need a good laugh right now. In a world where everything seems heavy, difficult, and demanding, a good laugh can make the day a little brighter.
Ready to get caffeinated with a kick? Darn-ell is waiting with some quick wit and a great coffee recommendation. Plus, there might be a bonus caffeinated offer waiting, too. You will have to visit to find out.