Hershey’s solves the biggest Halloween dilemma with Trick-or-Treatable Costume

Trick-or-Treatable Halloween costume from Kit Kat and Reese's
Trick-or-Treatable Halloween costume from Kit Kat and Reese's / Hershey's

As the kids anxiously await the sun to set, they put on their costumes and get the sack ready to hold all that candy. Unfortunately, parents are debating who will get the short straw, staying home to hand out candy or trekking up and down the street with the kids. This year, Hershey’s has the perfect solution. Get out the glue gun because the Trick-or-Treatable Costume is here.

Food themed Halloween costumes are always a popular choice. Whether people want to make a statement about their favorite treat or are making a statement about their favorite restaurant, the options fill the shelf.

Before there was a dedicated Spirit Halloween aisle for all those food related looks, crafty people broke out the carboard, scissors and glue to create the most-talked about look. From the Halloween party to handing out candy, those creative, unique looks get people’s heads turning.

This year, Hershey’s wants to be front and center in the fun conversation. Since the scariest thing about Halloween is running out of candy, this costume idea ensures that delights, not frights, are part of the celebration. Enter the Trick-or-Treatable Costume.

Speaking about this special offering, Heather Seamans, Senior Brand Manager, Halloween at The Hershey Company said, “Each Halloween, it’s our goal to help fans celebrate the season in innovative ways that only our iconic brands can do as leaders of the season. The Trick-or-Treatable Costume is the Kit Kat and Reese’s brands trick-or-treating hack that ensures that no household misses out on the fun, allowing parents to give out candy while accompanying their children door-to-door. It’s a solution that makes Halloween night all treats and no tricks!”

Trick-or-Treatable Halloween costume Kit Kat and Reese's
Trick-or-Treatable Halloween costume from Kit Kat and Reese's / Hershey's

For anyone ready to channel their inner maker, here’s how to create the special Halloween costume. It is easy even for the crafting novice.

As many parents appreciate, leaving a bowl by the door does not necessarily mean everyone gets a piece of candy. Unfortunately, there are people who take advantage of the situation. This costume idea makes a lot of sense.

While the costume is all about “choose both,” there could be something else that comes from this Hershey’s Halloween concept. Could there be a Kit Kat and Reese’s collaboration coming in the future?

Kit Kat has had all type of fun, innovative flavors. Reese’s has expanded its line-up. In a world that allows “choose both,” a peanut butter Kit Kat seems like the best of both worlds. Maybe Hershey’s is giving everyone a sneak preview. Or, it could all be just a spell meant to confuse everyone.

For now, stock up on Reese’s, Kit Kat, and other favorite Halloween candy. The Trick-or-Treatable Costume is set to be the hit of the season. Plus, it is always good to have portable snacks for that long night.