Montelobos fosters a forever connection for mezcal drinkers

Montelobos Mezcal
Montelobos Mezcal | Cristine Struble

As the harvested agave is chopped and carefully arranged in a circular pattern, the transformation begins. The plant that grew in the fields starts its journey to become the spirited libation rooted in Mexican history, culture, and traditions. Montelobos Mezcal is a celebration of the past, present, and future distilled into the luscious liquid found in every bottle.

While tequila might be more the commonly known and served Mexican spirit, Mezcal is the liquor more deeply connected to Mexican culture. Often misunderstood, the artisan spirit embraces the creativity of the distiller. From the art of building the pit to determining the perfect time to stop the cooking, the process is as much an art as it is a science.

Over the past several years, Montelobos has invited mixologiests, spirit enthusiasts, special guests to attend its Noche de Lobos event. The multi-day event in Oaxaca is a celebration of Mexican culture and its connection to the Montelobos brand.

Throughout the celebration, the intersection between food, beverages, and culture fostered strong conversations. The underlying concept held strong throughout each step of the journey. The flavorful, connected future can only be achieved by honoring the past and its traditions.

That sentiment is clear in everything that Montelobos does. From choosing to be an ecologically responsible brand to using traditional methods to create the various offerings under its label, Montelobos respects the art and craft of Mezcal.

As many food travelers appreciate, Oaxaca is celebrated for its culinary heritage. Whether it is exploring the traditional offerings in the city’s food markets, appreciating the complexities of the mole, and basking in the elevated chef driven menus, food is an integral part of the city’s story.

Montelobos Mezcal
Montelobos Mezcal | Cristine Struble

Montelobos plays its part in that culinary storytelling. Each mezcal offering is delightful on its own, mixed into a cocktail, or paired with food. Every new opportunity adds another chapter in the ongoing tale. Building on the past, embracing the present, and changing the future is all apparent in that bottle. It is one of the reasons why Montelobos celebrates its willingness to shout its uniqueness from the highest peaks and the lowest valleys.

While every minute of the multi-day event was packed with moments of celebration, contemplation, and community, the table proved to be more than just place to feast. Each carefully curated meal peeled back another layer to discover. From the carefully crafted, multi-course dinners to the late night street tacos eaten under the stars, the ingredients and flavors invited guests to better understand the mezcal’s versatility. It is every man’s drink and yet a special occasion sipper.

Many mezcal drinkers can parse the complexities of vegetable influences, smoky characteristics, and even soft sweetness. Montelobos has an ingredient that cannot be found growing from the ground or dripping from the still. That willingness to embrace life and live it to its fullest is the unique element that makes it different from other liquors. Running with the mountain wolves is not for the faint of heart. But, for those who long to explore, live for adventure, and let their heart drive their decisions, the choice is clear.

Montelobos mezcal offerings
Montelobos mezcal offerings | Cristine Struble

Drinkers are not meant to succumb to rules, bow to pressure about what they should drink or identify the tasting notes that that must appreciate. It is about choosing to take a journey and being open to the possibilities along the way.

Opening a bottle and sipping a pour will never be as visually impact as the Noche de Lobos night of spiritual exploration, but parallels can be found in every release. It is about respecting the people both behind the liquor and the ones who are enjoying it in the moment.

Drinkers need to be willing to explore, accept a challenge, and adapt to a situation. Montelobos does that with each of its offerings. It is more than an agave expression with its luscious mouth feel and inherent versatility. Each new cocktail, pairing, and occasion invites people to be open to their emotions and invites them to infuse each moment with that sentiment.

For example, during the Noche de Lobos event, it was more than carajillos under the stars and palomas as the sun set. It was seeing each cocktail reinterpreted with different food pairings, flavored by new discoveries, and toasted to memories with new friends. As the music filled the air and beckoned everyone to move with its rhythm, everyone felt more connected to the locale, the moment, and to each other. There was no howling at the moon, but the freedom to run wild was embraced long after the sun returned to its peak position.

In the end, Noche de Lobos celebration might have been just a few days basking in the culture and hospitality of Oaxaca, but the influence that it has on Montelobos, its spirits, and the experience that it offers all drinkers is never ending. It is time to open the door, run with abandon, and drink the mezcal that is perfect for every moment. After all, it is always Montelobos.