BODYARMOR’s Perfect Pop gets a Dude Perfect stamp of approval

Perfect Pop from BODYARMOR and Dude Perfect
Perfect Pop from BODYARMOR and Dude Perfect / BODYARMOR

Looking for the ultimate shot of summer refreshment? Dude Perfect created a flavor for BODYARMOR. Thirsty for the Perfect Pop?

While they have come a long way from College Station, Dude Perfect commands people’s attention with their mind-blowing shots. Although few people might possess the skill to hit these almost impossible concepts, they have everyone’s rapt attention.

Over the years, Dude Perfect has partnered with many brands to give their fans a taste of that awesomeness. The latest offering, Perfect Pop, in partnership with BODYARMOR, is both a reflection of their style and their favorite flavor.

Check out the BODYARMOR and Dude Perfect Perfect Pop announcement:

From the first glance, the connection to Dude Perfect is clear. Their signature teal color is front and center as is their logo. It definitely stands out on the shelf. There are few beverages with that blue hue. Dude Perfect had a strong hand in developing not only the packaging and marketing.

More importantly, it is the flavor that makes a bigger impression. Perfect Pop is inspired by classic cherry and berry ice pops. Not only is the flavor a touch of nostalgia, but it has also wide-reaching appeal. From the younger generation who loves those sweet flavors to Millennials who want that taste from their youth, everyone is happy.

Although Perfect Pop is the Dude Perfect “Official Sports Drink,” it only has a limited run. While the beverage might be available until August, it is available while supplies last. Given their fan base, these bottles will fly off the shelf.

Could this partnership continue beyond this launch? Many fans would love to see this partnership grow. Whether this drink becomes a permanent flavor or there is an additional beverage at another point in time, everyone will have to wait and see.

For now, the Perfect Pop can be found at various retailers, including Walmart, Sam’s Club and more.