Gopuff FAM20 quickens delivery times and it matter to consumers

Gopuff FAM20 changes the delivery landscape
Gopuff FAM20 changes the delivery landscape / Gopuff

In a world where instant gratification is the new norm, no one wants to stand impatiently at the door waiting for a delivery. With the Gopuff FAM20, 20 minutes or less for delivery might become the new industry standard.

Some people might recall the commercials promising a pizza in 30 minutes or less. While that idea might have created some legal loopholes for the food brand, the reality is that people love delivery convenience, but they do not like to wait for the doorbell to ring.

Simply looking around the kitchen, various cooking methods have sped up the process of putting food on the table. From the microwave to the airfryer to the pressure cooker, cutting an hour’s cooking time into a fraction of that amount is key to keeping people’s schedules on target.

With the rise of delivery services, people want the same speed and efficiency as they have in other parts of their lives. If dinner can go on the table in 30 minutes or less, that order of Pad Thai, burrito, or gallon of milk should not take twice as long.

The Gopuff FAM20 is a new FAM member benefit that could be a gamechanger in the delivery space. While the old school phrase about membership having its privileges, the reality is that people are willing to pay for fast, efficient delivery. Many people can think of a prime example of that sentiment.

Speaking to the new GoPuff FAM20 offering, said Gopuff CEO & co-founder Yakir Gola said, “Gopuff has always been designed to bring instant experiences to customers and today we are excited to take instant to the next level with FAM20. FAM20 is a new FAM member benefit that promises delivery in 20 minutes or less. We are excited to leverage our vertically integrated platform and culture of innovation to bring the fastest delivery speed at the most affordable price to our customers.”

Since speed is the top reason why consumers choose Gopuff over its competitors, this recent announcement is another example how the brand chooses to set itself apart. In addition to specialty, unique offerings, the ease of use can make the company a one-stop shop for all purchases.

To be clear, there are a few nuances to this 20-minute delivery promise. First, customers must be within the “FAM20 Zone.” In order for this concept to be successful, it must be plausible. Having a particular zone is not a limitation, it is smart business and realistic.

Additionally, the benefit comes at a cost of $1.49 per order. While that amount is minimal, it is an extra fee above the membership cost. Still, for the speed and convenience many people would happily opt for the added expense.

If the delivery is not made within the 20 minute window, the $1.49 will be refunded. For some people, just rolling the dice on the order is worth the purchase. Given the low barrier to entry, customers are more likely to opt-in versus out.

During program testing, customers received their orders in 17 minutes or less. Thinking about that last drive-thru stop or grocery store run, that time is significantly higher. Again, convenience coupled with smart pricing almost make this program a no-brainer for many shoppers.

As the Gopuff FAM20 rolls out, it will be interesting to see if other brands follow the concept or try to beat it. Delivery within 20 minutes is a tall order. Even a robot delivery may not be able to do better.

The Gopuff FAM20 is available to FAM members. FAM membership is priced at $7.99/month or $79.99 a year. The FAM20 option has a geographically limitation and an additional cost of $1.49 per order.