Liquid Death soars with the ultimate giveaway that a soda brand could not deliver

Liquid Death is giving away a jet
Liquid Death is giving away a jet | Liquid Death

While Liquid Death seeks to kill people’s thirst, the beverage brand has never chosen the obvious path. From unique marketing campaigns to the designs on its aluminum cans, it always wants to make a substantial impression. The latest idea from its marketing team soars higher than ever and actually delivers on that promise.

Food and beverage brands often use giveaways to hype a new flavor or announce a new partnership. Many people clamor over the idea of getting a limited edition cooler, special t-shirt, or the always popular bucket hat.

Sometimes the prize is bigger than a branded token of appreciation. Trips to exotic locales or huge sporting events are the ultimate FOMO. Who wouldn’t want to sit courtside at a championship game or rub elbows with some famous people?

Still, product giveaways have rules and regulations. Few people read that almost unreadable legal disclosure at the bottom of the commercial or scroll through the legalese on the giveaway page. That fine print has some caveats on the real prize to be won.

As seen in a Netflix documentary, brands can promise the moon and stars, but sometime delivering that fighter jet is more fiction than reality. Putting aside all the legal rhetoric, there is a big difference between hype and reality. Liquid Death wants its fans to find a lot of extra space in the garage for this unheard of giveaway.

According to the brand, they are giving away an actual jet. The Dehydrator is not a scale model, magician’s illusion, or flashy bait and switch scenario. It is a real, working jet that someone will win.

The Dehydrator is an Aero L-39. For aviation buffs, the 470 miles per hour and 4,000-foot pounds of thrust are a big deal.

The complete terms on how to enter the giveaway can be found online at The prize includes some other items in addition to the jet. But, the winner will have to pay taxes on that prize. Some people might have to win the lottery to afford the “benefit” of winning this prize.

Although this giveaway might be a little extreme, it is an epic stunt for the beverage brand. It might not be grandma’s playing metal or zombies looking to quench their thirst. But, the idea is one that will be talked about for years to come. That outcome is far better than the time that plastic bottles spend in landfills.