Snapple Mini’s are the perfect on the go beverage solution

Snapple Mini's, apple juice flavor
Snapple Mini's, apple juice flavor | Snapple

Even though that refillable water bottle is always within reach, sometimes water can be a little bland, boring, or just plain blasé. At the same time, convenience is paramount in today’s hectic world. The new Snapple Mini’s are the solution to having that perfectly portioned grab, go, and drink beverage.

Like many people, Snapple has been one of my staple beverages for decades. Whether it was the late night study refreshment during college to a lunchtime favorite during that first job, it was more than just the flavors that compelled me to open a bottle. The fun sayings under the lid are always a bright spot in the day.

Over the years, that bottle was not always as easy to grab. Whether the size did not fit in the bag or it was a two serving option when only one was wanted, that favorite Snapple became a sometimes beverage instead of an constant companion.

With the new Snapple Mini’s, the cute, smaller size is perfect for any and every occasion. From the first sip of the day to the on the go meal, the beverage fits any and every occasion.

Given the particular size, no one has to worry about the bottle not fitting in a bag, having to be carried about, or not drunk in a timely fashion. When convenience meets cute, the food becomes a must purchase.

Plus, the new smaller size is smart for families. Whether it is a bottle in the lunchbox or a beverage for mom as she waits at the soccer game, the versatility makes it a pantry staple.

The new Snapple Mini’s are 8oz bottles, which is a single serving size. Currently, Peach Tea, Kiwi Strawberry, and Apple Juice are available in this size. Sold in 8-packs, it can be purchased at Walmart or Target.