Never afraid to embrace the unconventional side, WhistlePig Whiskey wants to offer people a true taste of Vermont’s greatness. While Top Chef might have offered Canadian brunch take on that storied shack, this Maple Sugar Shack opens its doors to good times and spirited conversations.
Over the years, WhistlePig has impressed liquor drinkers with its classic and unique offerings. From golden pigs to solar powered aging, the whiskey brand appreciates that the stories surrounding the bottles are just as vital as the golden liquid inside it.
Last year, some people might remember the brand’s plea to help the maple industry. Those Troopers fought valiantly to ensure that the maple supply poured its way to a more robust stockpile. After making themselves home in the ultimate Vermont escape, the team believes it is time to give that stupendous shake to another occupant.
The WhistlePig’s infamous Maple Sugar Shack is available on Zillow. Although it might take some extra digging to find that $4.2 million purchase price, this epic property will be the envy of all the whiskey and maple lovers.

As distiller Mitch Mahar said, “At WhistlePig, we don’t just push boundaries, we barrel-age them. The Sugar Shack is equal parts Vermont tradition, craftsmanship and a darn good time. We figured if the Troopers could stake it out for long enough, it was only fair to pass the keys to the next lucky owner, along with all the syrup shenanigans they can handle.”
According to the Zillow listing, this property is far from a “shack.” From the Tiki Bar to the stunning wood interiors, there is a lot of potential for the eventual owner. It is definitely not an extreme makeover.
Additionally, the Maple Sugar Shack comes with a storied past. Like many buildings whose history is rooted in the region and culture, these spaces need to be preserved. Learning from the past is vital to making a better future.
Speaking about the Maple Sugar Shake, Jay Chandrasekhar said, “We’ve spent plenty of time at the Sugar Shack, and there are definitely some stories hidden, baked and soaked into those walls. We’re not saying we left any mustache wax behind, but if you find some, you’re welcome. Don’t freak out, man, our shenanigans here were cheeky and fun while we built up the syrup supply. We only chugged as much as was strictly necessary to prove we are all that is man the old fashioned way. There’s plenty to stir up with the heavenly hooch that is WhistlePig’s PiggyBack Rye to make a Maple Old Fashioned.”
For anyone ready to take ownership of this one of a kind property, bids can be made on Zillow. Anyone who bids $4.20 will receive WhistlePig Whiskey Barrel-Aged Maple Syrup. It might not be the keys to the kingdom, but it is a bottle full of possibilities. From a drizzle on some waffles to sweetener in a cocktail, the uses are plentiful.
While many people know WhistlePig’s PiggyBack Rye and its many other offerings, the brand’s maple syrup deserves high accolades, too. Far from that plastic bottle that sits in the fridge, the nuanced taste invites some culinary creativity.
Personally, using the WhistlePig Whiskey Barrel-Aged Maple Syrup as a glaze on a pork belly is delicious. Combined with a little soy and spices, the sweet, tangy note pairs perfectly with the unctuous pork.
With that pork belly, consider a riff on an Old Fashioned. While WhistlePig has a recipe for a waffle inspired option, a spicy or even nutty slant is delicious. Even adding some walnut bitters or a dash of hot honey can ignite the palate for a memorable experience.
It is time to raise a toast to maple with some great food and beverages? Will that entice you to make a play for the WhistlePig Maple Sugar Shack? More information can be found on Zillow.