Get blending, Minute Maid Smoothie Makers speed up morning routines


Is your morning a little hectic? Minute Maid Smoothie Makers fast tracks that morning routine and will have you blending your way to a better day.

Does getting the kids out the door come with a side of chaos? For many families, the morning routine can be more than frenzied. Still, leaving the house without a healthy breakfast isn’t an option. Luckily, Minute Maid Smoothie Makers are looking to fast track that morning routine.

In many families, like my own, smoothies are a great way to start the day. Often packed with fruit, vitamins and nutrients, that glass of goodness seems to put everything on the right track. Plus, it is the grab and go breakfast that doesn’t need a napkin (hopefully).

Sometimes that glass of simplicity comes with a pile of prep work. If I had time to peel, chop and dice fruit, I would make a fruit salad. Given the morning time crunch, who does want to dump, pulse and pour? Luckily Minute Maid has a solution.

The new Minute Maid Smoothie Makers are a dream for the super busy household. Simply pour the Smoothie Maker over ice and blend. In a matter of minutes, a smoothie is ready to be consumed. Even the kids won’t be complaining that it took too long.

The Smoothie Maker is available in three flavors, Strawberry Banana, Peach and Tropical. All three flavors are quite approachable for all ages. Even though parents might want a punch of “green juice,” These flavors can be the starting point. Who knows maybe a piece of kale might eventually end up in the morning smoothie.

In addition to the Minute Maid Smoothie Maker, the brand has added several other products that parents will appreciate. Options like the Minute Maid Fruit & Veggie juice boxes are perfect for any time of day. Each juice box contains a “combined full daily serving of fruit and vegetables.”

Parents know that it can be a struggle to get kids to eat everything that they “should” eat. Finding ways to “sneak” a few extra fruits and vegetables into the kids’ diet is becoming easier. While veggie noodles have taken over the pasta bowls, these juice drinks offer convenience and a taste that kids appreciate. Overall, it is a win win for everyone.

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Have you tried the Minute Maid Smoothie Makers? What’s your tip for getting the family out the door with something tasty in their bellies?