Did your ears perk up with the phrase free beer? Those almost unbearable hot, summer days will seem a little better with a refreshing cold beer.
Could a free beer be in your future? As summer’s heat continues to climb, Coors Light wants everyone to beat the heat this summer. On those recording breaking hot days, Coors Light will be giving away free beers. Time to get your pint glass ready.
Everyone keeps saying that this summer is going to bring the record breaking heat. While a warm day can be a good excuse to head to the beach, water park or other diversion, refreshment is a must. Of course, hydration is imperative, but an ice cold beer can make that oppressive heat a little more bearable.
In 10 select U.S. cities, Coors Light will be giving away free beer when the temperature breaks a record. Starting in June, when one of these cities breaks a heat record, locals can get a free Coors Light at participating bars.
The participating cities are:
• Albuquerque, New Mexico
• Austin, Texas
• Buffalo, New York
• Columbia, South Carolina
• Las Vegas, Nevada
• Lincoln, Nebraska
• Nashville, Tennessee
• Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
• Tampa, Florida
• Washington D.C.
According to a Coors Light spokesperson, every day the temperature breaks a record will get people free beers. It could be one beer or 30 beers. It could be the first time that you might want to see that temperature gauge hit a very high number.
In addition, the city which shatters the biggest record out of the 10 participating cities will get a visit from the Coldstream. The Coldstream is the ultimate refreshment converted Airstream. From tappers to fun gadgets, the Coldstream will be offer unparalleled refreshment.
Coors Light has been offering all types of fun promotions recently. Remember the social media activated tapper handles from earlier this year? In a way, these types of campaigns go beyond the Coors Light fans themselves.
In a way, this campaign introduces Coors Light to people who might not normally choose this beer. Does anyone really turn down a free beer? Maybe that free drink turns into a new favorite summer beverage.
Overall, the light beer market continues to grow. Consumers are looking for beverages that fit with their lifestyle. From fewer calories to less carbs, the lighter beers appeal to the active lifestyle seekers.
Could you be drinking some free beer this summer? That hot summer might not be so bad after all.