Jerry Rice and Rice A Roni team up for the ultimate San Francisco treat

Jerry Rice might be a San Francisco icon but so is Rice A Roni. As football season goes into full swing, the pair team up for the ultimate San Francisco treat.

Ready for football season? Jerry Rice and Rice A Roni are teaming up to get fans excited for football tailgating. Whether you are watching your favorite team from the couch or heading to the stadium, tailgating food is important to football season. Only one question remains, are you going to join Team Rice?

Jerry Rice is forever associated with the San Francisco 49ers. One of the best wide receivers in history, Rice could catch almost anything. While he might not be officially the San Francisco treat, he is beloved the Bay area.

Rice A Roni has been a family pantry staple. Whether served as a side or incorporated into a main dish, it helps families to easily create a total meal.

To kick off this football season, the pair teamed to inspire everyone to get cooking this football season. In a series of fun ads, the pair want to encourage some easy, meal time solutions or even some epic tailgating dishes.

Check out on of the fun ads from the Team Rice campaign.

Granted, these ads play on the “rice” connection and are a way for fans to win some fun prizes, but there is another message, too. Food and football often are a winning combination.

Whether it is the best tailgating dishes or a themed dinner to support your favorite team, food can be a great way to bring fans together. Just think about a few of the dishes that could be made with either Rice or Pasta A Roni.

Jerry Rice teams partners with Rice A Roni, photo provided by Rice A Roni

In a way, using Rice or Pasta A Roni is like making the perfect catch. It scores big with families, it is effortless to make and it delivers on flavor. Who doesn’t want a win in the kitchen?

From a simple chicken and Alfredo pasta to a spicy Mexican inspired rice and beef, there are numerous choices that can be made. Even with the same flavor, there is variety. In some ways, that one box can inspire a week’s worth of dinners.

While this Rice and Rice partnership does coincide with a fun contest, it is more than just winning a prize. Hopefully it inspires home cooks to score big with some creative, yet easy, dishes.

Do you think that the Jerry Rice and Rice A Roni partnership scores a win? What’s your favorite dish to make with either Rice or Pasta A Roni?