Bud Light Showtime Cam brings the NFL in-stadium experience to fans

(Photo by Patrick McDermott/Getty Images)
(Photo by Patrick McDermott/Getty Images)

NFL fans get ready to cheer with the Bud Light Showtime Cam.

Are you ready for some football? Bud Light Showtime Cam is bringing the fans to the game to celebrate the return of NFL football. While the stands might be more subdued this year, fans are excited to share their love of the game, the celebrations of epic moments and what it means to be a football fan.

As the official beer sponsor of the NFL, Bud Light understands that fans are fueled by the connection to their favorite football teams. While that Sunday game is the pinnacle of the week, it is more than just watching four quarters of runs, passes and scoring drives. The connection between fans and their team runs deep.

The new Bud Light Showtime Cam is a way to bring the in-stadium experience to fans. Although it is not exactly like being on the field, it will give them a special type of access. The goal is to make the Twitter experience like the roar of the crowd on game day.

Andy Goeler, Vice President of Marketing, Bud Light, said “Bud Light Showtime Cam’ not only brings fans closer to the players they know and love but will provide those watching at home a unique fan experience, allowing them to celebrate alongside their team, while enjoying their favorite Bud Light product.”

This NFL season, the emphasis is on the homegate or home fan experience. Since this platform uses Twitter as a method to amplify the celebrations both at home and on the field, that fan/player interaction is celebrated. Granted it might not be the Lambeau Leap into the stands, but it is a way to celebrate that epic touchdown.

This platform is a way to encourage players and fans to interact in a new way. When major moments are celebrated, the players themselves have an opportunity to gain a connection with the fans. Whether it is showing their personality or just giving a little glimpse under their helmets, this Showtime Cam could become a new favorite football experience.

As seen with many sports, the social media/video feeds projected into the stands offer fans a way to celebrate. The instant reactions, smiling faces and celebratory moments fuel both the fan/game connection but also encourage others to participate in real time action.

It will be interesting to see if some players or fans create celebratory Showtime Cam cheers, chants or even dances. Football fans can be more creative than Tik Tok.

The Bud Light Showtime Cam will kick off its first appearance during the Kansas City Chiefs versus Houston Texans game on Thursday, September 10. Throughout the season, the program will part of featured match-ups.

Everyone is encouraged to join in the football conversation and celebration via Twitter. Fans can use #ShowtimeCam #BudLightSweepstakes to participate.

Are you ready for some football? Put yourself into the action and conversation with the Bud Light Showtime Cam.

How are you homegating this NFL season?