MTN DEW Cake Smash wants to give everyone a celebratory do-over

MTN DEW Cake Smash, photo provided by MTN DEW
MTN DEW Cake Smash, photo provided by MTN DEW

While many people were happy to erase 2020 from the memory banks, MTN DEW Cake Smash wants to give everyone a “do-over” for 2021. Forget 1999, are you ready to celebrate like its 2021?

Have you heard of MTN DEW Cake Smash? While MTN DEW continues to push the flavor boundaries of its beverages, this special offering has a twist of cake flavor. Although not quite as sweet as that Pepsi Peeps combination from Easter, that touch of sweetness to the iconic DEW citrus flavor is quite refreshing.

Thinking of the Dew Nation, this special beverage offering fits into the brand’s desire to push the boundaries, think outside of the box and strive for more. It isn’t just about celebrating with just another beverage. This offering is about turning any moment into a smashing good time.

How will MTN DEW Cake Smash give fans a DEW-over?

Sometimes celebrations are a huge success. From that first birthday party when a child gets to devour that little birthday cake to the momentous 16th birthday party with memories that last a lifetime, those moments are often milestones.

Unfortunately, in 2020, many of those celebrations were passed over, muted or otherwise forgotten. Although not exactly the storyline from 16 Candles, there were more “overlooked” celebrations than people might want to re-celebrate, do-over, or just make happen.

MTN DEW Cake Smash is stepping up to offer people a do-over. With the “DEW Do-Over Sweepstakes,” people can enter to “win free MTN DEW Cake-Smash and potentially one of three $1K ‘DEW Over Party Funds.” But, there is a little catch to this contest. You have to have a great story to tell.

Since the contest is hosted on Twitter, the entries must share “unconventional special occasion celebrations” from 2020. Even if you don’t have a story to tell, scrolling through the #DEWDoOver tag might make you smile. After all, a little schadenfreude can be a good way to spend the day.

From now through July 2, people will be sharing these stories for a chance to win. It will be interesting to see the Dew Nation creativity. Unlike those gender reveals gone array, lets hope that no one saw any permanent damage from the less than perfect 2020 celebratory moments.

Be sure to keep up with the MTN DEW socials for more fun surprises coming in July. In addition to that DEW-Over, it might be a DEW-Greater summer of 2021.

Do you have a do-over story to share? Are you excited to try the MTN DEW Cake Smash beverage?