New Taco Bell Freeze Hacks are delicious tropical refreshment

MTN DEW Summer offerings, photo provided by MTN DEW
MTN DEW Summer offerings, photo provided by MTN DEW

Can’t get enough of the MTN DEW Baja Blast Colada Freeze? These new Taco Bell Freeze Hacks bring that tropical refreshment to three new beverage options. Are you running to Taco Bell for the beverages or to grab another chalupa?

Since TikTok has become the food hack resource, Taco Bell recently shared three new beverage options on its account that are similar to the MTN DEW Baja Blast Colada Freeze. Given the heat wave that is hitting the country, everyone will want to enjoy a sip and cool off.

The three new beverages are Blue Raspberry Freeze Hack, Wild Strawberry Freeze Hack, and Red, White and Blue Freeze. While these beverages might not be on the menu, they are easy to explain and order. Just like any secret menu item, it is best to make sure you can explain the method and not just expect every restaurant to know how to make one.

Here’s how to make the new Taco Bell Freeze Hacks.

Blue Raspberry Freeze Hack

This beverage has the bright blue color of the sea and will have everyone loving a taste of the tropics. Simply order a Blue Raspberry Freeze with a pump of tropical whip creamer. The combination of sweet tropical cream and tart blue raspberry is quite refreshing.

Wild Strawberry Freeze Hack

While the color might be a little Miami Art Deco inspired, the flavor is definitely not retro. Simply add tropical whip creamer to the Wild Strawberry Freeze. It almost makes you wish that someone would create an “adult” version for the cantina restaurants.

Red, White and Blue Freeze

As Fourth of July approaches, this triple flavor option is as exciting as the fireworks in the sky. This beverage hack needs a recipe. According to Taco Bell, it is “1/2 Wild Strawberry Freeze, ½ Blue Raspberry Freeze, and one pump of tropical whip creamer.” That one, two, three punch is a flavor explosion.

Which new Taco Bell Freeze Hacks are winners in your book? Do you have a great Taco Bell menu hack to share?