Mouthwatering ways to celebrate National Hot Dog Day

The Bacon Mac Dog, a 100% Angus beef hot dog in a bun is smothered in mac 'n' cheese and sprinkled with bacon is one of the top 10 new fair foods for 2021, Tuesday, July 13, 2021.Fairfood1 Jpg
The Bacon Mac Dog, a 100% Angus beef hot dog in a bun is smothered in mac 'n' cheese and sprinkled with bacon is one of the top 10 new fair foods for 2021, Tuesday, July 13, 2021.Fairfood1 Jpg

Are you celebrating National Hot Dog Day? While some people might want to bring back that hot dog sandwich debate or the ketchup as a hot dog condiment controversy, the reality is that the hot dog is one of the quintessential summer food choices. Although no one has to eat as many hot dogs as Joey Chestnut in one sitting, the reality is that National Hot Dog Day is the time to celebrate all that the hot dog can be.

Recently, Applegate conducted a survey about hot dogs. Although more Americans prefer ketchup over mustard as a condiment (don’t tell people in Chicago), the reality is that the love of hot dogs reveals a little more about those tasty food habits. For example, hot dog lovers tend to be picker eaters and extroverts.

Even though more people choose hamburgers over hot dogs, that classic hot dog is always en vogue. Whether the person eating that hot dog considers themselves open-minded, responsible or just prefers that flavor in a bun, the reality is that hot dogs are always a top choice.

Are you going to have a Kosher hot dog on National Hot Dog Day?

Picking a brand of hot dog might be overwhelming since not all hot dogs are equal. For some people, it comes down to that snap when it is eaten. Others prefer a particular blend of spices in the hot dog. The flavor and texture debate can almost be as controversial as the hot dog sandwich dilemma.

Many people look to a kosher hot dog as their preference. Although that little symbol might not jump out from the label, the flavor and the texture make them a top choice for customers, even those who are not Jewish.

While there are many popular brands on the shelf, Abeles and Heymann is a gourmet brand that is bursting with big, bold flavor. Recently, the brand outperformed other kosher beef hot dog brands at local supermarkets.

The A&H hot dogs feature fresh garlic and pepper flavors. One big difference is the crunchier bite. For people who love that “snap,” this hot dog is for them.

Ready to step outside of the bun for National Hot Dog Day?

While kids might not want to stray too far from the traditional hot dog in the bun, others want to see the possibilities of push the flavor boundaries. Luckily McAlister’s Deli is giving everyone a limited time offer.

In partnership with Auntie Anne’s, McAlister’s Deli is offering Auntie Anne’s Kid’s Pretzel Dogs. These golden bites of pretzel and hot dog perfection are available for a limited time. In both 3 count and 5 count options are paired with a side and a mini chocolate chip cookie. Wonder if parents can place an extra order for themselves?

And, since plant-based food choices have taken over store shelves, why not switch up that traditional hot dog with an option from Field Roast. The Dodger Stadium favorite choice is serving up some flavorful recipes.

For those who want to stay close to the classic, the Classic Smoky Style Chicago Frankfurters with the Field Roast Classic Smoked Frankfurters, just needs some classic mustard and neon relish. Whether you boost the flavor with some sport peppers is up to you.

And the hot dog can go global with a Banh Mi Style Dog, which uses those traditional flavors or even let the kids create their own. The possibilities are endless.

This National Hot Dog Day, think outside of the bun. Even if the sandwich and ketchup debate will never be solved, the reality is that a hot dog is always a great choice on a hot summer day.

What is your favorite way to enjoy a hot dog? Do you eat more hot dogs during the summer?