Ultimate Sandwich Bagel recipe is a bite of baking perfection

Ultimate Sandwich Bagel recipe, photo provided by King Arthur Baking Company
Ultimate Sandwich Bagel recipe, photo provided by King Arthur Baking Company

No matter the time of day, the Ultimate Sandwich Bagel recipe delivers impeccable flavor. Designated as the King Arthur Baking Company 2022 recipe of the year, it will have many foodies kneading to make this recipe. Even the novice baker can roll their way to the most delicious bagel that will have people baking not buying.

For some people, the perfect bagel is very specific. Some say that the water impacts the flavor and the texture. Others say that it starts with the right dough. No matter the reasoning, everyone can agree that a freshly made bagel makes a better bagel sandwich.

But, many people shy away from making their own bagels. Although many people mastered a great starter, the willingness to put the time and effort into that bread recipe has waned. It was one thing to let the dough proof and then bake. It is another thing to add a few extra steps.

Still, many bakers long to wake in the morning and let the aroma fill the home with deliciousness. While that cup of coffee might awaken the mind and the sizzle of bacon can make the stomach grumble, the scents of a fresh bread in the oven is one that is definitely food candle worthy.

Ultimate Sandwich Bagel recipe King Arthur Baking Company
Ultimate Sandwich Bagel recipe, photo provided by King Arthur Baking Company

Can you master the King Arthur Baking Ultimate Sandwich Bagel recipe?

When it was announced that the Ultimate Sandwich Bagel recipe was the King Arthur Baking 2022 recipe of the year, many people wondered how this homemade bagel would measure up. The reality is that the first bite has many people spending their Saturday prepping for a tasty Sunday brunch.

To be clear, this recipe is one that you have to plan to enjoy. Like many bread recipes, the dough has to proof. So, depending on your kitchen, it will take several hours to make the starter and the subsequent dough. But, the first bite is worth all the effort.

This King Arthur Baking uses a special starter, “pâte fermentée.” While that might not roll off the tongue, the fine crumb is simply delightful. Without becoming too dense, this starter helps to create a dough that lends itself to a delicious bagel.

Also, this recipe is modified for the ease of a home baker. Although some bagel traditionalists might prefer to rolled log method, others appreciate the simplicity of just poking a hole in the middle.

Truthfully, this method can make for a better bagel sandwich bagel. A bigger hole with a bagel sandwich is not recommended. It is just a spot where the ingredients can fall out.

Lastly, these bagels tend to be a little smaller. That size is more than just portion control. Like the size of the whole, the size is more conducive to bagel sandwiches.

And, if you aren’t a fan of everything seasoning (but who isn’t), you could opt for just some sesame seeds, onion and garlic or other topping. But, this recipe is more about a savory bagel than sweet.

The Ultimate Sandwich Bagel recipe, including some simple step by step videos, can be found on the King Arthur Baking Company website.