During Earth Month, there is renewed focus on improving the planet. While more people have learned to appreciate the impact that daily choices have on the environment, it is more than just the reduce, reuse, recycle mantra. SodaStream been a strong voice for environmental responsibility. With its latest campaign, it expands its reach by lending a helping hand.
As part of this year’s Earth Month program, SodaStream is expanding its environmental story. While the brand has long believed that its kitchen essential can help reduce the single use plastic problem. Much has been said about the plastic polluting the waters, but what about the impact on the wildlife in that water.
SodaStream’s Global CMO, Karin Schifter-Maor said, “As part of SodaStream’s environmental responsibility and obligation to the planet, we are always looking for ways to do better.” This year’s Earth Month promotion looks to help the sea turtles. According to the brand, “SodaStream commits to saving a baby sea turtle for every SodaStream sparkling water maker sold worldwide during the month of April.”
While the thought of saving sea turtle could spark anyone to make a change, the campaign is more than just tugging at the heart. There is a little tongue and cheek humor in the mix. Cue the slow-mo run down the beach to save that sea turtle.
As seen in the commercial, David Hasselhoff reprises his lifeguard role and helps to save the sea turtles. While that Baywatch character might have jumped into action during a time of need, Hasselhoff appreciates that there is no time to wait for a measurable change. He said, “Each of us needs to do our part in contributing to a sustainable world. Our individual contributions will help to collectively add-up to building a strong foundation to reverse the looming threat. Silence is not an option.”
Although SodaStream is committed to “save 78 billion single-use plastic bottles by 2025,” it is more than just swapping the beverage container. It is about encouraging others to make change and encourage others to act. In the end, when everyone does their part, those baby sea turtles will have a better chance to swim to the next great adventure.