Molly Yeh’s Blue Apron box offers the versatility families crave

Molly Yeh x Blue Apron box includes a burger bar and sides, photo by Cristine Struble
Molly Yeh x Blue Apron box includes a burger bar and sides, photo by Cristine Struble

Many people have turned to Blue Apron for weeknight dinners and for special occasions. From that romantic dinner to a lavish brunch, the meal kits have turned the uncertain home cook into a confident chef. With Molly Yeh’s Blue Apron box, the burger bar lets families customize their perfect plate.

Creating a meal that appeals to everyone around the table can be a tall order. Some people prefer bold spice and others would rather the flavors be more muted. In addition, some people love a gigantic bite and others would rather have something a little daintier. Since the home kitchen is not a place to become a short order cook, it can lead to some type of food compromise.

Offering a meal with a little customization can be the perfect solution. While the base, main food is the same, the extra ingredients allow everyone to make their own flavor creation. Luckily, that idea ensures that the food on the plate is eaten.

Part of the chef partner program, Molly Yeh’s Blue Apron box features a burger bar, with a couple of sides and an apple pie. While the dishes are rooted in the familiar, they push the flavor boundaries. From the miso in the apple pie to the Asian influences on the burger, this dinner could become a favorite in the family dinner schedule.

Molly Yeh's Blue Apron box
Molly Yeh x Blue Apron box includes a burger bar and sides, photo by Cristine Struble

The Molly Yeh x Blue Apron menu includes:

  • Ginger-Scallion Burgers with Fried Eggs, Pickled Cucumbers & Hoisin Sauce
  • Peanut Noodles with Bok Choy
  • Crunchy Cabbage Slaw with Sweet Chili Mayo & Sesame Seeds
  • Miso Apple Pie with Pistachio-Coconut Crumble

Having had the opportunity to cook this meal, the burger bar customization drives the box. It is more than just putting all the ingredients in the pan or on the table. It invites a food conversation over why certain ingredients pair well together. From a slight heat to the sweet tanginess, it is more than just piling on another condiment.

Also, the texture component is vital to these burgers. The little crunch from the pickles and onions is the contrast to the runny egg. Even the type of bun which helps to bring together all the flavors is important.

Although the burger bar focuses on the customization of every burger, it does not become complicated. Since everyone is making their own dish from the base burger, it is easy. More importantly, it can be the conversation starter around the table. Why did someone want more pickles on the plate and why did someone skip the mayonnaise. As many chefs have said, show me what a person eats, and it will tell me something about them.

In addition to the main dish, the sides are quite versatile. As people go into summer barbecue season, these recipes could be new options to liven up that menu. Instead of a traditional coleslaw, serve that crunchy cabbage slaw. Or, the peanut noodles are a vibrant, lighter option to that mayonnaise-based pasta salad.

Miso Apple Pie with Pistachio-Coconut Crumble
Miso Apple Pie with Pistachio-Coconut Crumble from the Molly Yeh x Blue Apron box, photo provided by Cristine Struble

Lastly, the apple pie might be the dessert that has everyone taking a second, or third, slice. Although that punch of flavor from the miso is subtle, it changes the approach. Grandma might still like her recipe, but it shows that savory ingredients can be added to a dessert. In addition, the use of coconut and nuts in the crumble is an idea that can apply to a variety of pie recipes.

In the end, Molly Yeh’s Blue Apron box is a great family meal. More information can be found on the Blue Apron website.