Delightfully delicious ways to celebrate World Nutella Day

From sneaking a spoonful from the jar in the pantry to smothering that waffle, celebrating Nutella happens almost every day. On World Nutella Day, it is time to discover some new ways to enjoy that iconic chocolate hazelnut spread.
Excited to celebrate World Nutella Day
Excited to celebrate World Nutella Day | Cristine Struble

On February 5, the annual World Nutella Day celebration can influence the food on the plate. While many people have come to add a little dollop to toast or a waffle, the iconic chocolate hazelnut spread has a myriad of uses. Ready to discover some delightfully delicious recipes?  

Many people are passionate about Nutella. While there might always be a backup jar sitting in the pantry, the brand flavors a wide array of cookies, candies, and other treats. Those true super fans are willing to incorporate the sweet spread into every aspect of their lives. Some people might even wear a Nutella-scent cologne, if it was available.  

As Noah Szporn, senior vice president of spreads at Ferrero North America said, “Nutella isn't simply a food brand that our superfans enjoy, it's a part of who they are and what makes our Nutella-loving community so strong. This World Nutella Day, we are celebrating those who love Nutella so much that it's part of their identity, and inviting anyone who loves Nutella to join in on the fun." 

Ready to celebrate World Nutella Day?  

With World Nutella Day around the corner, many people are thinking about, experimenting with, and otherwise playing with that sweet ingredient. Sure, the classic waffle with Nutella and fruit always satisfies, but how would it taste with a little dusting of Tajin on that strawberry. Would the spice enhance that inherent sweetness?  

Dessert recipes are often an easier option to incorporate Nutella. From an icing for a cake to boosting the flavor in a brownie, it is a favorite for a reason. It always satisfies.  

And, the same can be said about incorporating Nutella in ice cream or coffee. A spoonful in that milkshake or swirled into the bowl is delicious. Even making a mocha coffee (it might require a little vigorous stirring) is quite lovely.  

For the more food adventurous, it might be time to see how Nutella can work in a savory forward dish. Sure, cooks can make a sweet and savory crepe. The chocolate and hazelnut spread with bacon is always tasty.  

One idea that might be worth exploring is using Nutella in a mole. While that Mexican dish is often a cherished recipe passed down through the generations, chocolate is often an ingredient in the recipe. It would be interesting to experiment with the chocolate, nutty flavor with the other spicy, layered ingredients. Over a succulent chicken, it might be a dish that will resonate with everyone gathered around the table.  

For the Nutella lover, it is time to open the door to see how many ways that creamy spread can be used. Savory, sweet, or a combination of both, there is always another jar waiting to be opened.  

Join the Nutella conversation ahead of World Nutella Day. Check out all the socials sharing their love of the iconic chocolate hazelnut spread.