Move over brew over ice or waiting endless hours for a chilled coffee, Keurig’s new hybrid coffee maker, the K-Brew+Chill offers the beverage versatility people crave. Ready to make prime space on that kitchen counter top?
For many people, their day begins with a caffeinated beverage. Whether it is the tempting aroma that wafts out of the kitchen or the classic ping as the drops hit the bottom of the mug, the reality is that coffee is part of many people’s morning mantras.
While that daily beverage is routed in routine, food trends have evolved over the years. While decades ago cold coffee might have been a joke, today’s cold coffee trends are no laughing matter. Iced coffee is staple that turned coffee into an all-day beverage.
But, home coffee makers can sometimes miss the mark with balancing both hot and cold options. Finding a way to chill, yet not lose coffee’s flavor, requires a keen attention to detail. Now, there is a solution at the push of a button.

What is the new K-Brew+Chill from Keurig?
The latest innovation from Keurig is the K-Brew+Chill. Combining hot and cold brewing options in a single appliance, the coffee maker has people ditching that current model for the upgrade.
To start, the Keurig brewer features its Multistream Technology. By using five (5) entrance needles, the K-Cup grounds are fully saturated, which leads to a more rich flavor. As many coffee drinkers appreciate, more water being able to hit the grounds allows for even extraction, more rounded flavors, and overall better taste.
What sets this new Keurig brewer apart from other models is the Quick Chill Technology. In less than three (3) minutes, the beverage reduces its temperature to that perfectly chilled coffee offering.
Users can monitor the Chill Tank state with the Cold Charging Bar. The settings of low, medium, high or fully charged, alert the user to the status. Instead of brewing over ice, that iced coffee beverage can be sipped without dilution.
One aspect seems to be vital with this new Keurig brewer. Since the coffee is brewed hot, then chilled, the integrity of the coffee flavor remains intact. No one has to play with brewing strengths versus ice to achieve the perfect brew that they love.

Ready to get brewing with Keurig’s K-Brew+Chill?
Given that the new Keurig K-Brew+Chill brews both hot and cold, it is a simple choice to be the next coffee maker purchase. With four cup sizes- 6oz, 8oz, 10oz, and 12oz, it appeals to the family, single person, or even the dorm room. Just think of all the money saved by making coffee at home versus running to the coffee shop every day.
Additionally, it is more convenient than cold brew coffee. That option usually takes hours, almost a day, to get those precious drops. With this option, satisfying that cold coffee thirst is almost instantaneous.
Lastly, although Keurig did not necessarily address this concept, it seems to open the brewer to more tea or other beverage options. While many people do not think about brewing tea in their Keurig, there are plenty of tea K-Cups on the shelf. This Quick Chill technology would be perfect for iced tea. Also, it would work quite well with the Original Donut Shop Refreshers line that was announced earlier this year.
The new Keurig K-Brew+Chill costs $199.99. It brews K-Cups pods and is available in black.