Powerade Sour brings flavor innovation to the summer hydration conversation

Powerade Sour for summer
Powerade Sour for summer | Powerade

Whether enjoyed after morning run or sipped after a day spent in the sun, sports drinks are a key component to the hydration conversation. With the new Powerade Sour, the limited edition summer beverages bring a big serving of pucker and satisfy that thirst.

Sports hydration is a huge category. What might have started as an athletic-centric beverage is no longer that narrow category. Even though those bottles fill the cooler for the soccer game or are the quick grab after than spin class, the beverages are equally important after a long day at a theme park or day at the beach.

Although water will always be essential, beverages with electrolytes and other hydration support are sought after by consumers. In addition, the flavorful choices make these options enjoyable to sip. If the decision is between flavor and nothing, most people will chose the flavored option.

Powerade Sour
New Powerade Sour for summer | Powerade

Powerade Sour fills a void on the shelf

While the sports beverage category is overflowing with flavor choices, sour has not necessarily been part of the conversation. Classic lemon lime may always be a favorite, but the flavor is not necessarily sour. Given the popularity of sour candy, it is clear that people enjoy that flavor. It makes sense to incorporate it into a beverage.

The summer, limited edition Powerade Sour flavors are Blue Razz, Watermelon Lime, and Green Apple. Looking at the three beverages they seem to capture not only the summer fun feeling but also lean towards more youth centric flavors. Whether that notion is a nod to nostalgia or just people want fun with hydration, the options seem to invigorate the excitement over enjoying another bottle.

Although each flavor is unique, the tartness in each beverage helps to elicit more drinking. Similar to how the sweet, tart notes in a lemonade elicits sip after sip, the new sour forward beverages have a similar concept. That first sour note has drinkers going back time and again.

The most interesting flavor is the Green Apple. While apple juice might be a staple in many households, this beverage captures that crisp, tart flavor. It might not necessarily be the same as the apple pie served at the summer picnic, but it ends sweet note.  

The Watermelon Lime is a classic summer flavor combination. While that summer-centric fruit might be commonplace at the picnic, people cannot get enough of the watermelon on those warm days. By combining it with lime, it is approachable. The flavor almost sounds like something that grandma would serve with her fried chicken on Sunday.

Lastly, the Blue Razz appeals to the younger drinker. Even though that fruit might not grow from the raspberry plant, it is a flavor combination that fills the food space. It is fun, engaging, and the color entices. Even if it might skew a little younger, there is no age limit on sipping.

The limited time Powerade Sour flavors are available now for a limited time. Check with retailers for availability and pricing.