Are recipes dead? Personalized eating trumps the traditional recipe

How do you cook? Are traditional recipes still king or has personalized eating become the key to better eating?

The food world is constantly evolving. From exploring new flavors to employing new techniques, your weeknight dinner isn’t the same meal that your mom cooked. From time limitations to ingredient substitutions, the traditional recipe may not be the best method for a household. This personalized eating is becoming more prevalent. But, does that mean that recipes are dead?

Are recipes dead? Personalized eating trumps the traditional recipe, photo by Cristine Struble

A quick survey of social media shows that food inspiration is everywhere. From the quick food videos that make you stomach growl to Pinterest searches, food and cooking is everywhere. Even a simple search for a recipe can produce hundreds of results. But, that recipe, or recipe, may not be the simple answer for your dinner.

Unless you like going to the grocery store every day, a specific, inflexible recipe could a hindrance versus a benefit. What happens in the middle of cooking and you realize that you only have nine of the 10 ingredients. Let’s say that you have all spice, but not nutmeg. What is your option? Spice that spice, use a different spice or plead with your husband to stop that the store on his way home. This type of inflexible recipes don’t work as well in today’s kitchen.

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From ingredients to time, today’s cook wants convenience. If a recipe doesn’t fit into the busy lifestyle, some people could opt for the convenient take-out. While we know that home cooking is better for us, a limited recipe might lead to cooking dissatisfaction. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Recently, Innit and Tyler Florence collaborated on a new way to think about the traditional recipe. The idea of the Connected Food Platform highlights the interconnection between food and technology. When technology can help people eat better, that innovation can only have more people exploring food.

While all the details of the collaboration haven’t been revealed, the purpose seems to be personalized eating. Eating, and eating well, doesn’t have to be hard. The home cook doesn’t need a refurbished kitchen or all new gadgets. The idea is to create an integrated platform. From knowing preferences to understanding food habits, the family can optimize how it eats.

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So the traditional recipe may not be completely dead, but it isn’t the future of cooking. Personalized eating is on the rise. Luckily companies are finding ways to assist better eating through technology.

Don’t blame the recipe. There are no more excuses for eating poorly.