Which cookie best represents your state?

In honor of National Cookie Day, Nestle Toll House commissioned a nationwide survey to determine which cookie best represents a state. Does one cookie dominate or do local flavors prevail?

A cookie is a classic dessert. Whether enjoyed warm out of the oven or dunked into a glass of milk, cookies are a favorite treat. Eating a cookie comes with a little bit of nostalgia. Many kids grew up enjoying cookies as an afternoon treat. Plus, what holiday isn’t complete without leaving a plate of cookies for Santa.

While the majority of people enjoy cookies, the favorite one can be hotly debated. From sugar to oatmeal, everyone has a particular flavor that is their personal favorite. Even the classic chocolate chip can cause a great divide over adding nuts to the recipe. But, can a state agree on its favorite cookie?

Which cookie represents your state, photo provided by Nestle Toll House

Recently, Nestle Toll House commissioned a survey to determine the cookie that best represents its state. Putting aside store bought cookies, the Nestle Toll House survey’s findings are quite telling. From state specific ingredients to the classic chocolate chip, the results are quite telling.

Looking at the cookie map, chocolate chip cookies seem to dominate across the board. While chocolate chips without nuts is more appealing that chocolate chips with nuts, the classic homemade chocolate chip is still the most identifiable. 17 states say that chocolate chips without nuts represents their state.

These favorite cookies seem to dominate the mid-western states. Who would have thought that Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota would all choose chocolate chips without nuts? Where’s the originality. Maybe this choice represents the best cookie to dip in milk? After all, there are many dairy farms in the Midwest.

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Some of the other cookie choices are more state specific. For example, the Georgia picked a cookie that has pecans. That choice is quite fitting for the pecan growing state. The cowboy cookie is fitting for Texas. Why wouldn’t Massachusetts choose a cranberry cookie? Still, the obvious choices make sense.

A few state cookies seem a little confusing. Why would Oregon be pumpkin spice? With all the berries grown in Oregon, a berry influenced cookie might have seen more likely. Also, why is Rhode Island biscotti? Unless you drink coffee, does anyone just eat biscotti? Lastly, what is a Russian tea cake? While Alaskans may see Russia from their house, isn’t there a more common cookie to enjoy?

People may agree or disagree with these state cookies findings. Maybe for the holiday cookie exchange everyone could bake their state’s cookie. That option could keep people from going home with five dozen sugar cookies.

Do you agree with these state representative cookies? Personally, a classic chocolate chip cookie without nuts, warm from the oven, is always a delicious option. Who’s hungry for one?