Free beer: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay entices guests with beers

Need an excuse to visit a theme park this summer? Head to Busch Gardens Tampa Bay and get free beer just for walking through the gates.

Who remembers the Hospitality House and Clydesdales at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay? The Florida theme park had strong ties to Anheuser Busch. I can recall my dad telling me that the Hospitality House was his favorite attraction at the theme park. This summer is getting a little nostalgic. Free beer at the hospitality is returning.

Free beer: Busch Gardens Tampa Bay entices guests with beers, photo provided by Busch Gardens

It isn’t often that an establishment offers free beer. Usually, there is a catch. In this situation, there is no catch. Any guest 21 and older can enjoy two free seven ounce beers each time that they visit Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. This special promotion runs through August 5. Who’s ready to raise a glass?

According to the theme park, the beer promotion will feature several different beers throughout the summer. A new beer will be featured every two weeks. In honor of Cinco de Mayo, the first beer will be Corona. Afteward, the beers will include “Bud Light, Founders All Day IPA, M.I.A 305, Miller Light, Shock Top and Yuengling.”

The free beer promotion is an interesting idea for the Florida theme park. Food festivals, like the park’s Food and Wine Festival, draws in a lot of guests. These special events appeal to guests who want more than just big adrenaline rides. Today, visiting a theme park is just as much about the food as it is the rides.

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Going back to the park’s roots with free beer can bring in a different crowd. If a family is choosing only one day trip, the parents might appreciate the beer promotion. Annual passholders might be enticed to make more visits to the theme park over the summer. The beer promotion is an added benefit.

Tampa is a huge beer city. With breweries like Cigar City in the theme park’s backyard, this promotion is an interesting extension of the area’s beer culture. The Florida craft beer market is booming. For a theme park to capitalize on that trend is a smart marketing move.

Also, this beer promotion leads into the theme park will host Bier Fest in the fall. This all new event at Busch Garden will feature 100 brews from local and global breweries. The German influenced event will also feature German cuisine and music. The event, like the summer beer promotion, is included with park admission.

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Would free beer entice you to visit Busch Gardens Tampa Bay? I think I know where I will be going to quench my thirst this summer.