Can your zodiac sign predict your favorite bagel sandwich?

Do you have a favorite bagel sandwich? Could that tried and true favorite bagel combination be a result of your zodiac sign?

What’s your favorite bagel sandwich? Ahead of National Bagel Day on January 15, Thomas’ Bagel researched people’s favorite bagel sandwiches. After some exhaustive research, the brand compiled this definite list of bagel sandwiches based on a person’s zodiac sign. Do you agree with these findings?

Thomas Bagel offers a wide array of bagels. From style (like thins and minis) to flavors (like everything to cinnamon raisin), there is a bagel and a bagel combination for almost any occasion.

Ahead of National Bagel Day, Thomas’ Bagels created this entertaining zodiac bagel sandwich chart.

What bagel sandwich are you? photo provided by Thomas Bagels

Looking at this chart, the bagel sandwiches run the gamut. From relatively simple to slightly complex, personally I would eat all of these bagels. In a way, this chart could be more of a suggestion for a favorite monthly bagel versus a preferred bagel for a particular zodiac sign.

After receiving this chart, I did a little research of my own. Asking a few friends, I was trying to determine if the zodiac bagel chart was a tasty as it seems. In a word, yes it is.

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For my own bagel sandwich recommendation, the sandwich is a pulled pork slider on a 100% Whole Wheat Mini Bagel. First, I never would have thought to put pulled pork on a bagel. After thinking about it a little, I can see it. The whole wheat sweetness could play off the tang from the pulled pork. Also, I would probably add some coleslaw to the sandwich or maybe a pickle.

While these bagel sandwich/zodiac sign recommendations are entertaining, the bagel sandwich ideas are quite tasty. Sure, I might not be a Sagittarius, but that bagel sandwich sounds quite tasty. Turkey, apple and a little brie on a cinnamon raisin bagel would be amazing.

This chart is a nice reminder that bagels can be more than just a vehicle for a schmear or butter. A bagel sandwich can be savory or sweet. The options are many and it’s a great vehicle for creativity.

What do you think of this bagel zodiac chart? What’s your favorite bagel sandwich?

Don’t forget to celebrate National Bagel Day on January 15 with a delicious Thomas Bagel.