As excitement builds for the 2020 NBA 2K League draft, Panera has formed a partnership with the league and will be delivering some good for you food.
Panera is ready to make a big delivery. Announced today, the NBA 2K League is forging a partnership with the restaurant brand. With the highly anticipated 2020 NBA 2K League draft coming up this month, this new partnership looks to deliver in a big way. Does this collaboration set a new tone for eSports and food partnerships?
The growth of eSports has been tremendous. From the popularity of eSports tournaments to the rise of eSports personalities, this niche of the gaming world is growing tremendously. While it might not have the worldwide name recognition of traditional sports teams, this sports arena is on the verge taking over the sporting industry.
Today, many people are just as interested in watching Twitch and YouTube channels of eSports broadcasts as other sports shows. Who would have thought 10 years ago that people would sit in rap attention watching others compete in an eSports setting.
Today, NBA 2K League announced a big partnership with Panera. With the 2020 NBA 2K League draft. being held on February 22, this new partnership marks the first restaurant partner for the league as well as Panera’s first foray into eSports.
As part of the partnership, Panera will be making good for you food deliveries during live broadcasts. NBA 2K hosts, broadcasters and players will be getting those tasty sandwiches, salads and maybe even a cookie to help fuel them to victory.

Additionally, each week socials and livestream channels will feature “Rookies Who Deliver Presented by Panera Bread.” Sharing both on and off the “virtual court” footage, this series will highlight some of the outstanding rookies. Maybe the series will even share some of the rookies favorite Panera menu items.
This type of eSports and restaurant partnership is interesting in several ways. First, Panera has been pushing the concept of good for you food. While the brand has worked with college campuses to help curate study menus, this partnership could spark a food conversation for a different audience.
While gamers might instantly grab the energy drink, a meal packed with good nutrition could help keep them energized and focused for those virtual court battles. After all, some people believe that an apple in the morning is just as energizing as a cup of coffee.
Second, these type of brand partnerships are growing within the eSports world. While NBA players might have their own chip deal, eSports are having just as much of a loyal following. Many people eagerly want to use, buy and eat what their favorite eSports players have.
With the potential behind this deal, it seems that other brands will follow suit. Whether it is naming rights or other types of menu items, the possibilities for eSports and food collaborations are many.
Will you be watching the 2020 NBA 2K League draft? What type of Panera food delivery do you think that the broadcasters will order?